The Babaduke

I was listening to a podcast that discussed this. One of the hosts is a doctor, and he had gotten into an argument with a creationist, who also happened to be a doctor. The podcast host thought it might come down to whether one is a practitioner or a researcher (not necessarily by profession, but by personality

I know I'm going to get accused of being a grammar nazi, but I have to say this. Can you please go amongst your people and let them know that the correct usage is "biased?" Someone who has a bias is biased, they are not "bias."

I had a bad sabering incident where the entire neck of the bottle exploded, but the lower 2/3 of the bottle was still intact and had quite a bit of champagne (and glass shards) still in it. I just poured it through some cheese cloth and drank it.

I've done it a few times. The first time didn't go well. It was like a bomb going off in my hands. There was blood and champagne all over my kitchen. I probably would have been blinded if I hadn't been wearing glasses. I found the neck of the bottle several months later about 15 feet from where I had been

Cardiomegaly. We should be so lucky.

I've had great luck with PIA. They also sell routers that are pre-configured with their VPN services so that all of your devices will automatically be connected through the VPN.

I never noticed that before, but now that I think about it, you're onto something.

You forgot to mention the horrendous theme music.

LL Cool J, Will Smith, Ice Cube, or Ice T. None of whom are really even rappers anymore. All of them are still relevant because of acting. While Snoop has branched out, he's still mostly known as a rapper. Dr. Dre (with Ice Cube) has been around quite a bit longer than Snoop as part of the World Class Wreckin' Cru

His Huell Howser impression is incredible. His Bernie Sanders impression gets really irritating after about thirty seconds.

I'm seeing double here! Four Trump impersonators!

Voice of Bart Simpson donates enormous amounts of money to Scientology. She may not have as high of a profile—I can't even remember her name—but apparently she's a bigshot in the church. She ought to be included somewhere in that list.

Upvoted for the accurate description of walking downwind of a smoker.

Iowa paid me more than that just to be a grad student. Maybe that's why he's so pissed at the universities.

I was raised in Ottumwa. You can rest assured knowing that his life a basically constant torment.

To go from Tom Harkin to Joni Ernst is a total 180. Harkin was one of the most consistently progressive senators in Congress. The best I can say about Ernst is that she hasn't been near as embarrassing as I would have predicted. I figured she'd be the next Sarah Palin.

I worked at a buffet restaurant when I was younger, in Chelgren's district, in fact. I probably would have thought O'Neal was just as funny then as I do now.

Are you using some kind of speech-to-text software?


And once you run somebody over for blocking your path, you're trampling on their right to life and should be thrown in prison.