The Babaduke

It's unlikely because "violent criminal" is too specific, and not very catchy. Enough shitty right-wingers using it often enough could change the meaning, but that's not likely to occur when they'd be more likely to use something catchier. It's not that I don't think it could happen, it's that I don't think it would

I suppose that depends on what "act like a thug" means. If one were acting like a member of an Indian gang of murderous thieves, I'd say it's a pretty spot-on term. It's a word that, like many others, has shifted meaning over the years. Recently, it has shifted into pretty unsavory territory, at least in the US.

I think that would be unlikely.

Sure, I've learned to bite my tongue when someone says "impactful" or uses "gift" as a verb, but then those things are pretty minor in comparison to implying the n-word.

You could also just say "violent criminal" and avoid the connotation altogether.

This was from a 1,000-yr flood. FEMA guidelines require protection up to the 100-yr flood to be certified, beyond that and levees become too expensive to be built at all. I don't know what they have for levees in Baton Rouge or if they are certified, but if they were, they would have withstood most natural

The Kaine team maintained that the senator has not changed his views—he’s always supported Hyde. “He has also made it clear that he is fully committed to Hillary Clinton’s policy agenda, which he understands includes repeal of Hyde,” said Karen Finney, the communications director for Kaine, in an emailed statement.

The Hyde amendment has been in place for 40 years. It's not something new. The 2016 Democratic platform explicitly calls for repealing it.

Whereas the rest of Iowa is a vision of the future.

The media should have focused more on Steve King's blatant white supremacy.

Good news!

I don't know how much Sue Perkins knows about cars, but she was in a couple of episodes of World's most Dangerous Roads and did a great job. If she could handle those roads, she could handle any Top Gear adventure, and be funny doing it.

The Rolling Stones have had some issues with organizing concerts in the past, so I imagine they take it pretty seriously these days. Those past issues were mostly murder-related, I expect lack of beer probably wasn't an issue.

I think people seem to overlook how often he was portrayed as a buffoon on Top Gear, and seeing as how much control he had over the show, he clearly intended to be portrayed that way.

Wait, I thought they gave up polygamy because Jesus appeared to one on the elders and said to cut it out.

That's an understandable reason for cynicism.

May have been prepared in time for the Brexit vote today, and since Jo Cox was shot by a pro-exit nationalist, they added the quote at the end. Still, I don't see much need for cynicism over a great song and a tribute to someone who seemed like a pretty good person.

Recep Erdogan is probably more sympathetic to the attackers than the victims.

I get 720p from BBC iPlayer, but it might depend on how you are using it. I use Get iPlayer Automator to download BBC and ITV programs. If you are using that or something similar (Get_iPlayer for windows works pretty well), you can adjust the settings and prioritize HD, although the best I get out of ITV is 540p.

Do what they ask. If they threaten your life, fight back. Pepper spray or a taser would be just as effective as a gun. Most likely, they just want to steal stuff, let them. It's not worth dying over.