The Babaduke

And contrary to popular belief, a pannis is usually overly dry, as opposed to the moist, bog-like, bacterial habitat most people imagine them to be.

I think you may have shown your hand on this one, Captain. Save "Our" country by taking the "our" out of favourite in favor of "or."

This will prepare me for the upcoming Rapture much better than anything educational or interesting. Thanks, TLC!

Nathan Barley has made me extra careful about using scissors near my cat.

Alice Lowe as David Bowie is perfect casting.

I think this is interesting, but would prefer to see a documentary of George A Romero just talking for 90 minutes. He's fascinating, and has a really impressive knowledge of cinema. I'd also be interested in finding out where he gets his comically over-sized glasses.

Swans, Scott Walker, Prince, Terrence Malick, Jane Campion, Michael Haneke, Mitch Hurwitz, Louis Theroux, and Armando Ianucci are all definite artists that I follow. If Paul Reubens shows up in something, I'll usually watch, but don't make it a priority.

"Parents: If you encounter teenagers who say they liked this movie, do not let them date your children."

I've been in the town square in Delft, just outside of the Nieuwe Kerk, where that scene was filmed. There was some kind of car show going on at the time, so the atmosphere wasn't quite the same.

Zinskaro by Vokal Ansambl Gordela. Not an easy track to find.

Someone really dropped the Bollo on this.

One difference is that I don't think in terms of "what's best for me and my country," I think in terms of "what's best for my country" with the thought that's what's best for everyone is also best for me. I'm a godless hippie socialist, though.

It's especially strange as his mother was an English professor.

I think they assume all other people who can recognize a good person are exclusively Christian, whereas everyone else can go fuck themselves. It's the kind of people who say the US is a "Christian Nation" while disregarding the millions of non-Christians in the US (as well as documented history) who might disagree

Having international media scrutiny and being asked to apologize is not being given a free pass.

Have you considered that just because you don't like something, that doesn't make it bad, it's just not to your taste? I'm sure there are fecalphiliacs who would indeed tell you that dog shit is an acquired taste.

They're not bad. They are kind of morose and quiet movies, not necessarily amazing, but certainly not a regrettable netflix watch. They have William Sadler and Saul Rubinek in recurring roles, which is a plus.

Good God, Tom Selleck and Roger E Mosley!

I'm a proud owner of the DVD. I had to complete Tom Selleck's oeuvre. High Road to China was not an easy get, nor worthwhile.

I don't really recall how well Christiansen did in the prequels as I've mostly blocked those from memory, but I defy anyone to watch Shattered Glass and say he's a bad actor.