
Ok, is it pronounced “Loose” or “Loo-chay”? Inquiring minds and all...

Hated these as a kid. Want one now. Who knew?

510’s........ fapfapfapfapfap...


I had a YJ some time back and showed off to several friends how I could put it in 4X4 Low, out the trans in 5th, and sidestep the clutch with no stalling or even jerking. It just quietly moved along :) .

Good choice, but I have a better one. Jeep Wrangler. Find a parking lot, put said Jeep in 4X4 Low, and have at it. Impossible to stall :) .

Ya think???

You’re generous.

I was a smug asshole before I learned to drive stick :) .

What dafuq is THIS?!?!?

When a good number of the crimes FIFA is being accused of occur on US soil then I’m all for us investigating them. Unless you’re OK with it?

So much win...

Are you sure that wasn’t the real Algore?

Cleveland has a former mayor that owns a $1.5 mil alpaca farm in east-central Ohio... and it’s widely known that United Airlines paid for it with kickbacks. United then built a $20 mil plus (IIRC) terminal at CLE which now stands empty... And that’s just one little story of corruption...

I see you missed the point of that scene...

Not even close. I’m guessing you don’t own one.

Uh, what??? American cars GARISH??? I suggest Lenscrafters... and if you truly want to see garish, just look at Nissan, the one and only king of garish.

C4’s a damn sight more reliable than a 944... just sayin’.


“Here’s my credit card, call me when the car’s done”.