In Abstentia

So if I understand correctly, there is nothing a home PC user can do, this worm affects those who are running servers. Is this correct? Further, is there anything a person can do if they still run XP or Vista and don’t or can’t afford to upgrade to a Windows 10 PC?

If the cops didn’t confiscate their cars and trailers they’re jerks. Fines won’t do anything, take their cars and trailers.

You’re not married are you?

To the point, that is the ugliest interior I have ever seen. I would never spend a cent on a car with that interior.

In this context, what the heck does “...sustainably sources...” mean?  I know what it means in the context of trees, but for flowers it leaves me wondering.

In this context, what the heck does “...sustainably sources...” mean?  I know what it means in the context of

Clearly Millennials have way too much disposal income if they think paying $89.00 for a hoodie makes any sense at all. Paying those kind of prices just reinforces the spoiled kid stereotype.

Clearly Millennials have way too much disposal income if they think paying $89.00 for a hoodie makes any sense at

I firmly believe that Donald Trump should be a member of the crew and while orbiting the dark side of the moon the jetisoning of trash could perhaps may include some unexpected human garbage.

After working 47 years in engineering at big companies I can tell you that HR is not there to help the employee. HRs sole purpose is to protect the company.

Why do we need yet another ridiculous term like “side hustle”? Hustle implies a scam and not something legitimate. Just use the tried and true second or side job terminology. I wish you luck with your Lifehacker side hustle and that someday it turns into a real job for you.

I’d like to start a new craft brewery. How about the Billion Year Beer?

Geez man, take some Motrin, your period will be over in a few days.

In a word from an Outback owner - ugly.

The Assange/Anderson sex tape will be released soon.

The real question is will anyone cry if he is dead/captured? Snowden may be next and again will anyone cry?

What would the car do if it couldn’t find a parking spot in the lot (given that the driver got out)?

The flickering LCD dash screen would drive me crazy and would prevent me from buying the car.

Musk’s statement is right out of the Trump playbook. Blame the media and not the gaps in your own autonomous software/hardware design. As a former U.S. president said “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

Wow, you actually get paid for writing non-articles like this.

Dogs (or any pet for that matter) don’t have to be a long term commitment IF they don’t work out. It’s a dog folks not a little human.  It goes back to the shelter/breeder or if you can’t off load it some other way you have it put down. Similarly, when it comes to vet bills, reasonable yes, thousands of dollars to

Boss wants to know why you were reading this at work?