
Dental Plan!

it’s not about having racially correct actors saving the films, but letting non-stop white actors be able to cash pay checks on shitty movies like white actors have been doing for generations.

“What were you thinking 80s club owner using a bomb for a time capsule?”

Before reading this, I definitely would have been one of the people trying to catch this girl, but messing up your back is no joke. I don’t know if I’d try to run and help now. Losing your life is one thing, but the possiblity of a permanent back injury with no liability attached other than her family’s assets to pay

They didn’t want him to die in their custody and they couldn’t plausibly finish him off in a way that could be staged to look like a suicide and pass autopsy.

I doubt they kept the evidence that long.

A loophole to the Chinese Exclusion act allowed high end restaurant owners to be able to travel back and forth between to China to hire labor.

Or you know you could just use a skillet to cook your breakfast tacos like easily.  Heating up a tortilla and making scrambled eggs ain’t that hard or time consuming.

Or you know you could just use a skillet to cook your breakfast tacos like easily.  Heating up a tortilla and making

You don’t know what you’re talking about. Steve Kerr doesn’t count. He may be HOF, but it would be for coaching only. Jordan did it alone, sometimes playing half a game 4 on 5 due to the Red Cards Rodman would get. LeBron would only get a handful of basketdunks if he had to play in those conditions.

Really, you don’t remember all the articles lamenting the Leastern Conference. This has been a thing for almost 15 years. At least before this year you could always count on the West providing a compelling competition. Now Durant killed one Western contender by leaving (OKC). And made the already leading contender so

Chris Paul is a perfectionist and the Spurs play perfect team basketball. He just won’t have the need to yell at them.

The Hunt County DA hit and killed an on duty 89 yo crossing guard in April. I doubt he’s going to do anything to piss off the people investigating him right now. Brothers in blue got to stick together.

Also, that 37 year old fan can be fixed. My parents had a 38 year old Casablanca fan that burnt out. We found the authorized repair guy in our city who was basically an electrician who fixed fans on the side in his garage. We took their other fan to him to swap out the speed switch which has broken. The seventies was

The Three Amigos was so good, they made it two more times - ‘A bugs life’ and ‘Galaxy quest’. Why don’t you go back to eating your avocado toast and leave the movie opinionating to the adults.

We should also give them swords and release a pack of starving wolves into the field.

Can we get an update with his game winning block on Harden!!!

Yes it is.

If you want to come from the Nigerian school of fried plantain, get them when they are yellow with the stems starting to turn black and black spots on the body. It should still be firm, but yield a little to touch. You can fry them in any amount of oil, I usually try to go very light with spray oil in a cast iron

More than Timmy or Manu, Tony Parker is entirely a creation of Pop. He came to play for Pop when he was just 19. Timmy was a senior when he was drafted and Manu had established himself in Europe. I can remember all the times Pop would put Tony in the dog house whenever he messed up as a young player. I would have to