
This exactly. It was the magic dumpster that did it for me as well. I couldn’t even finish last season. It just got really stale. All I really care about now is Clementine from the game. If the put her on the show I’ll come running back.

“I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking we were still at least 2 episodes away from that type of twist. Hopkins is amazing and terrifying in this.”

In the previous episode, when the tech’s upped Maeve’s intelligence, I kept thinking, ‘Don’t set the robot’s intelligence to maximum. That’s how you get terminators.’

The main reason given is that the A10 can’t survive against modern man portable air defense. Now the counter to that is we’ve been fighting almost 15 years in a modern battlefield and this isn’t an actual problem. The counter to that counter is that a great power could cheaply Charlie Wilson us by supplying our

These movies were made over 40 years ago. The considerations for making the content had nothing to do with the streaming rights decades later. Rent seeking copyright holders have perverted the system well beyond the optimal level of protection. These movies should all be public domain.

OK, I’ll say it. As the father of two sons I can no longer in good conscience look then in the eye and justify supporting this man considering the way he treats [white] women. I had no problem gazing into the souls of my two boys when he promoted the false belief that illegal Mexican immigrants are rapists and

The nuke plant is located right in the middle of the Northeast Corridor. A Chernobyl sized meltdown could cause any combination of NYC, Philly, Baltimore, or DC to become uninhabitable. Even just causing a crisis there would disrupt the entire region and send it into chaos. I can’t think of any other reason to be

It was easy for me to root for Brazil. The country has been getting the shit end of for the last couple years. Bad world cup loss, nasty recession, government corruption scandal. Nice to see the country have something to celebrate.

One more good piece of advice: Shut the Fuck Up.

Funny thing is, even though he was talking out of his ass, he actually ended up being right.

I agree. This seems high on the arbitrary bullshit meter.

What you need is a grill basket. I’ve got a box smoker just like this and what I do is take the current basket and drop it on the floor of the box to catch ash. Next take this one :http://m.lowes.com/pd/Barbecue-Ge… and put it in its place. Now this model has been discontinued at Lowe’s, but for me it almost fits

What you need is a grill basket. I’ve got a box smoker just like this and what I do is take the current basket and

David Robinson, Fabricio Roberto, Nazr Mohammed, Rasho Nesterovic, Matt Bonner. Those were the big men Timmy played with during his prime. I only see one non centre on that list.

That’s funny because the whole bribed FIFA to host World Cup built by slaves tilted me to FIFA.

Mine is the 1984 election. I was also 6 at that time. I remember watching one or both conventions with my parents and then I was really happy the Regan blew out Mondale. That would be the only time in my life I ever supported a Repbulican.

I had multiple nerdgasms when Danny made Tyrion Hand of the Queen.

Making a society give up their entire culture and way of life could have been an excellent thing for this story to explore. Instead, because GRRM has no pages, a bunch of TV hacks have taken over narrative control of the story so now we get a throw away line in a rush to get to the action.

A mob of Philly fans beat the crap out of Santa on the football field and pelted a little league team with batteries. I don’t think there should be a statute of limitations on that kind of stuff.

Traveling to Paris from London is like going from Boston to Philly.

“he Has jews is to understand that God haas created everyone in Gold’s image” you also not ray cyst enough