
Space Racists

Here’s the thing you need to remember. The only thing BIG UNDERWEAR cares about is getting thier product from the factories in Bangladesh to the store without getting eaten by whatever vermin lives in the factory warehouse, shipping container, or distribution warehouse along the way. So, they are going to treat those

Isn’t that the movie from the 70s where Pele wins WWII by killing Hitler in a soccer game?

American digital subscriptions will not work overseas unless you know how to set up VPN network that makes it look like you are accessing your stuff from an American IP address. I don’t know how any of this works, but I do know that there are free services...but they suck...so you will probably need to set up a paid

American digital subscriptions will not work overseas unless you know how to set up VPN network that makes it look

Sounds basically like Aussie Rules except instead of throwing the ball, Aussie Rules requires either punching or kicking it. Also if you youtube Aussie Rules games, the players all look like a bunch of wide receivers.

I’ll say it. I thought Hustle and Flow was GREAT!!! It was nice to see a movie about black people not from the East coast, SoCal, or the Tyler Perry Christo-Cultural Complex.

First Civ V mod I installed was Nemoy voice mod.

That thing actually is hideous and I would be pissed off if one of my neighbors put one up next to my house. That said, neighbor #2 is right, it is the playoffs.

<cough> “The Arrow” <cough>

espn was begging for the game to be moved to Saturday. The university and conference presidents are the ones who decide on what days the games are scheduled. Amazingly neither the NCAA nor ESPN had anything to do with it.

Sometimes you just have to go for the pile of nachos at Chacho’s, but if you are on a date and want to class it up, go for the single layer. Custom hand assembled and baked nachos are the proper way to go.

You just had a spursgasm.

She got her job because she was more attractive than other qualified people, then is pissed off because the network would rather give work to people who are younger and more attractive.

I actually really like the Michael Bay turtle design. The movie was crap, but I don’t know why yall hate them so much.

That’s a shame because Catwoman was one of the best parts of Arkham City.

I’m Afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive

Usually the law has a floating window of permissible pedophilia where a 19 year old can be with a 17 year old and am 18 year old can be with a 16 year old. But yes, you have pointed out the ridiculousness of some 20 year old kid who’s not old enough to drink being placed on a sex offender registry for the rest of his

I’m always interested in the regional variations of what stuff is called. I grew up in San Antonio and for me, I refer to the holy trinity by name: salsa=salsa, queso=queso, guac=gauc. Dip would be anything not covered by the first 3; although, without any context, I would expect some kind of creamy onion concoction.

I like to think I’m a very fair and respectable guy, but I can promise you I’d be as petty and conniving as gearon when it comes to trying to back out of a deal that is going to cost me $100 million.