
Let’s not go that far.

Quite frankly, I would rather just watch the game from the behind the quarterback video game camera with nothing but stadium sounds pumped in. I’d pay good money for that. Look at how much endzone seats go for.

Kind of like this.

Kind of like

This is definately my favorite. God’s lessons ARE so beautiful.

The next expansion into LV and Seattle will allow the league to go back to 4 divisions that will actually mean something and will bump the TWolves into their natural Big10 rivals in the Central Division. Until then, if meaningless divisions keeps the number of 9:30 weeknight West Coast tip offs down for my Spurs, I’m

Whataburger has a surprisingly good breakfast taco. Usually I make them myself and use fresh pico and a good cheddar, jack, or that HEB queso blanco, but sometimes I just get a hankering for American Cheese, hash browns patties and eggs on a tortilla with picante.

Seafood taco...yes. Meat taco...no

Take the day off. We’re screwed.

The info might be wrong but the gist is right. They hide acetaminophen in a lot of stuff. I know a lot of people who don’t know how to read the label. If reading many strange multisylabic words is too tough, then advising them to avoid it all together isn’t a bad idea.

You know what is the best GRRM story I’ve every heard? It’s the one where is sits his ass down in front of a computer and finishes his god damn books.

There is almost nothing that can happen to the Earth that will make it less habitable than any other place we have discovered. Even if we go full nuclear war, the Oxygen, Water, and Earth’s Magnetic Field would make this planet far superior to any other.

That never worked for me. In fact it was quite the opposite. Pot+EtOH = head violently spinning and entering into a permanent state of vomit. Even 20 years later, just talking about it makes me a little queasy.

That’s the one with the flute, right?

And Saints Row

Maybe if instead of trying to be some jackass GLORY BOY, he focused on trying to catch the ball than being the hero, he wouldn’t have dropped it as is clearly defined by the rules. Of course, with Tony Romo on the goalline with the playoffs on the line as his alternative, I guess Dez really had no choice.

If you are going to complain about how the NFL tried to clarify the rule, then I think it is only fair to ask what you think it should be. The problem with trying to define a catch is that it requires a judgement call in determining what exact moment a player goes from being a catcher to being a runner. The ball can

hyper=over; trophic=fed; cardio=heart; myo=muscle; pathy=disease.

This is a phrase I need to incorporate more in my life. Any time I need to be an evil Machiavelian dick, I’ll just say, I’m gonna go “full Miscavige”.

Memphis and New Orleans have plenty of teams nearby in Texas. Minnesota has no one nearby in the west. It already belongs in the Big Ten like central division.