
I have to emphasize the importance of beef grade when making brisket. GET NOTHING LESS THAN CHOICE. That means select is a big no no and that is what you will probably find at Walmart or Sam’s. Costco in San Antonio always has a very reasonably priced choice or prime grade brisket. When I make choice brisket, I cry a

We actually get most of our avocados from Mexico and the Valley (Rio Grande), but as a Texan, we thank you for using your last few precious drops of water to help keep the price nice and low.

For four seasons, hack TV critics have been bitching about the book content being too complicated for TV and how they need to cut plot lines and characters. Well they have it here and guess what...they don’t like it. This should have been two seasons.

As firekitty said, stuff sticks. Go ahead and grab a Misto to spray oil. Even still your going to have stuff stick, but that will provide you with the opportunity to learn about deglazing and making sauces with the stuck on pieces of food. As for cleaning, boiling acid and elbow grease with a green pad will is fine

As firekitty said, stuff sticks. Go ahead and grab a Misto to spray oil. Even still your going to have stuff stick,

I bought this set when it went on sale in early April. I have been very happy with it ever since. There are few differences between the two. First, as said below, the Emeril set is made in China while their standard line is made in the USA. Second, the lids of the Standard Set are Steel while the Emeril set are glass.

I bought this set when it went on sale in early April. I have been very happy with it ever since. There are few

The card on the foul was actually yellow, player number 6. The red was for the punching after the whistle on #22.

I am absolutely picking the Destroyer captain, becoming best friends with the ship’s doctor because he’s the only one allowed to talk back to me, and having violin jam sessions in my boardroom after dinner. That’s the whole point in joining the navy in the first place.

I was half expecting to see Doc Rivers and Chris Paul mosey on out there at some point and start whining. Does anyone speak Spanish and know what the commentators were saying?

And slaves. Don’t forget slaves. FIFA has fucking slaves nothing is going to be done about it. Slaves.

I wouldn’t put Beijing in there. It was an enormous success. The Chinese got exactly what they wanted from it...a declaration that Beijing is taking it’s rightful place among the great cities of the world like New York, Tokyo, and London. The infrastructure projects promised were actually built. The expanded airport,

No. The Olympics have to be held in one city...Rio. The stadiums out in Manaus and Cuiaba are too far away. It would be like having Atlanta Olympics events in San Antonio. Plus, the IOC is the only other sports federation that can give the slavers at FIFA a run for their money. Why would they in any way hope to help

This guy!

The correct musical accompaniment is 'adagio for strings' (aka the 'Platoon' theme).

it starts going down hill at age 27-28 but you are so high up it takes a while to really feel it. age 32 is about the time it starts affecting your day to day. By about age 34 you start groaning sometimes when you stand up. I can't remember what age, but I realized it hurt kneeling without padding. It was a very sad

it starts going down hill at age 27-28 but you are so high up it takes a while to really feel it. age 32 is about the time it starts affecting your day to day. By about age 34 you start groaning sometimes when you stand up. I can't remember what age, but I realized it hurt kneeling without padding. It was a very sad

Only the floor cam from behind that shows his finger bending was definitive. Should have been enough, but the other angles were no good.

You missed the point. It’s a false equivalence. How do you compare the minor concussion to a knee sprain that gimps you for a few weeks or a major traumatic brain injury with a multiple ligament tears.

Now playing

Spock's not dead. I just heard him. He's playing a trick on us. Goto 9:40 or just listen to the whole damn thing.

it is determined solely through the cap and tax system. If enough teams go over the cap then any amount in excess of the fifty percent is taxed from all players salary and returned to the owners. If to many teams are spending too little money then all the players get a bonus to bring the total salary up.

I don't know about the Finns, but all the other countries you named, Germany, Poland, Estonia, Chechnya, Ukraine, seem to loath Russia, so maybe there is something there.