
Yes, I don’t know why anyone thinks this will change the overall show in any way.

Count me in that group.  Quit after the very first ep that was all character crap with no sci fi, and not only didn’t they drop the damn Ed and Kelly thing, the doubled down on it!  uck.

So all about the characters like the first ep this season? Because I stopped watching the show after that first ep. I like a fun/personal B or C plot as much as the next guy, but that ep was one of the worst ‘star trek’ eps I’ve ever watched, nothing but B plots, some cute, some down-right cringe-worthy. It was so

Biggest Drama? What? It’s boring because it’s not the sport, it’s a fucking contract negotiation. No sports fan should fucking care. Modern pro sports are so fucked up. We’re all not the GMs and front offices and scouts, etc, etc. We all should just watch the fucking games and enjoy them.

Yes.  I don’t mind most all of the TD celebrations, but that whole defense after a turnover thing really annoys the fuck out of me for some reason.

The AAF if fun. People should watch it. It’s football. It’s pretty much all televised. The announcing teams are no better or worse than the shit NFL we currently have (I would argue that Marvin Lewis and Maurice Jones-Drew and a full step better than Witton and Boooger), they have fewer commercials, they mostly talk

Too bad his name isn’t Joe. Then we could all say,

I’m surprised more people don’t mention this. Although, I do disagree about it having any plot.  Ghostbusting is an awesome idea, so it’s really the combination of the two—the perfect cast and the plot—that elevate it to all time top movie.

HEY, this is the 21st century — the Father or Mother that should have spanked you.

Yes, completely. The troll-fighters have become the trolls.

Yes, some fuckheads on Twitter and SJW bloggers are going to read that as Reitman giving a soft, indirect criticism the movie for featuring all female lead.

Godzilla 1998 has gone down in history officially as a ‘blockbuster bomb’. But, it’s actually a very fun movie. I would suggest— forget all the hype and all the reviews and, if you can, grab a 12 yr old or two and sit down and watch it—it is a fun, fast paced, action, monster movie with lots of cool monster action,

Ha funny, I agree with Ishmael, but then I agree with you. When one goes back and looks, this articles list isn’t really very good is it.  It really only has like 3 remakes on it, and two of them are common pop culture knowledge examples of good movies that are remakes.

It’s like they know everyone is on the fence about it now after that very shaky uneven second season, but hey, one last season, I guess we have to watch it conclude.

“and special effects that might look cool now but won’t hold up”

You calm down.  I’m bitter.

I really wish you io9 people could just report that damn geek/genre news without constantly having to add mostly unfunny (and often flat out wrong) snark. There is NOTHING uncanny valley-ish about CGI of completely made up fantasy creatures.  There is nothing creepy about the cool renditions of pikachu and charizard

Talking about the actual lawsuit, I think her problem here is that she voluntarily gave the bag to NASA to check its authenticity, assuming that some tests would need to be made. So unlike the other lawsuit where they kept her legally obtained property and she had to sue to get it back, this is a much more grey area.

I think a lot of the backlash is that people are dumbfucks, and this movie did a pretty good job of making you want to know what the monster looked like while on its way telling its character story and people just love to bitch.

When it came out, Dan Aykroyd told the anecdote on all the talk shows—he got pulled over and hassled in some small hickville town, and that turned into the core of this movie.