
I think the metaphor thing is stupid. The monsters or supernatural things are there (or aren’t there) to drive the movie, but the movie is about Bullock’s character and her struggle with motherhood. I don’t think it needs to go any deeper than that.

Yeah, mostly that. I kind of felt it while watching it too though. I think it’s because the script on paper is pretty mediocre, even hackneyed. It’s the acting / directing / music that elevate it too a pretty good viewing. 

Wow really? This was an episode made up completely of Star Trek B Plots...and not even that good of B Plots. If this is what people think they were missing in ST:TNG I guess I’m out. ...And I guess I’m very glad you people weren’t in charge 30 years ago.

You are not alone.  By the second half of this ep I was fast forwarding past almost every scene.  This was a episode made up completely of Star Trek B Plots...and not even that good of B Plots.  To my point, I actually thought the single parent / misunderstood child sub-plot ripped straight from an 80s sit-com was the

Well, 7 years after this review, and he hasn’t put out any new books, better or worse than CofS.

Didn’t come for the article, came for the commenters all disagreeing with Germain. Wasn’t disappointed.

This is a stupid ‘article’ and a total waste of space.

The big leap of bad logic here is that since now we have all these ‘specialized’ AI getting better and better that we’ll soon have a ‘general’ AI...and that’s not true. A computer/software system that is really, really good at tagging images is still so, so far from being a general intelligence with free thought and

Yes, with the big leap being that since now we have all these ‘specialized’ AI getting better and better that we’ll soon have a ‘general’ AI...and that’s not true. A computer really, really good and tagging images is still so, so far from being a general intelligence with free thought and will.

Yes, skip all of his scenes and about 2/3rds of Karen’s.

The real question is whether or not they’ve designed it to the right size that you could replace the monopoly money with real money.

With the new disney Jungle Book and now this...the io9 staff seams to have some issues with cgi animatied creatures, and I also don’t think they have a grasp on what creepy valley is. I thought there wasn’t anything even remotely creepy about the pokemon in that trailer. In fact, they most all looked pretty cool, as

Alternative take—who fucking cares. I’m not donating to some racist cause fronted by said creator, I’m not watching a bio of them, I’m just reading/watching a story they wrote. In many cases, said creator isn’t even alive any more. So, unless there are specific parts of the story being told that need framed by the

Great piece of journalism. An article about a single fact about a currently mostly unnoticed new TV show—and they get the one fact wrong. *thumbs up!*

Yes, except if you start looking into it, the minute that Travis Knight’s dad bought the company, they ousted Vinton and put Travis in charge, so it really is a happy ending at all from Vinton’s point of view.

What about BoB-  best movie ever made starring Richard Dreyfuss and Bill Murray. (I really did like it.  Both those guys were hilarious in it.)

I’m glad someone said it. When I first watched this movie as a 12/14/ish kid I thought the shark was terrifying. And still now, those clips people are showing in this thread, I think they’re mostly good scary stuff. I think the only real exception is when it jumps onto the boat—it’s still a scary sight to see, but you

Funny, I think you can read your whole last paragraph as a bunch of illustrations of good movies that are good because no one tried to make them more. A movie should stand on it’s own.  If it is good and like, more can come later, and they should also stand on their own.

Yes, and it just sounds so obvious of the choice to go with, too.

You don’t see this opinion often, so I’ll speak up and say, I also didn’t like Korra at all. My wife and I struggled through the first season and then stopped watching after that. It was just so much meh. Korra was a downer. There was very little bending and adventure—so much so that they had to add in that way overly