Blogger X

there are some things i hate and then there are my pet peeves. food snobbery is one thing that gets under my skin. “don’t eat that”, “you need to eat this”, “you shouldn’t eat it like that” is all bullshit to me unless you’re paying for my food or healthcare. the funny thing is, while there are foods that should be

actually, i prefer the mac&cheez/dressing/candied sweets hot mix, but i can get with the sub greens or add greens.

lol...and it’s november 15th. what y’all gonna do when january comes? as much as i hate chicago winters, the way we handle them gives me solace...although, as a kid, i remember waiting for “snow days” that never came. errybody went to school, work, wherever, no matter if the snow was up past your knees. though there

history. every comment i read from somebody caping for the idea that this is such a wonderful program makes me want to start slapping folks upside the head with a damn history book. well, maybe not an actual book, maybe just a google search on “black codes”, though it won’t make that nice *thump* sound.

so, i was “business as usual for white folks” about the article, because that call to the police has gotten to be a thing for them now, so i’m not appalled, shocked or even surprised.

“You know,” Sanders explained, “there are a lot of white folks out there who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to vote for an African-American.”

your theme music is everything gil scott-heron.

as a person who was/is a better-than-average server (my tips say so, not me) stacked plates tells me that the server isn’t on their job. plates should be removed as soon as they’re no longer needed (with some obvious leeway when necessary) and a table with enough plates to be stacked is an absolute no-no. how bout you

although we all know how this will eventually play out (brumhildabecky will get identified and outed, lose her job, cry and claim that race had nothing to do with it), there’s a twist that i’m sure we haven’t seen in other adventures in beckydom: the #metoobecky. she’s going to insist that she’s the victim and even go

dealing with conservatives/trumpites/right-wingers is like watching a magician do a performance in honor of the novel nineteen eighty-four. everything he says is the opposite of what he means (also know as a lie), all the while he’s getting you to look over there while he’s actually performing tricks over here. for

i’ve been in various forms of customer service for a few decades, from bill collector to restaurant manager and lots of ugly jobs in between. i actually love it but not everybody is cut out for it and the ones who aren’t usually tell on themselves, one of the most glaring signals is when they don’t want their

i remember staring at my tv thinking, “says who?” when reporters started using the term “post-racial america” when the obama family took to grant park just after his election. white folks have always been in a hurry to “put racism behind” themselves, without putting any of their racist attitudes and racist

ima need somebody to come fix my face cuz it’s all twisted up reading this bullshit (my head is kinda sideways too). is she even required to register as a sex offender? barring senior citizens, who is she qualified to teach? i’m asking for a friend.

i applaud these brothas for keeping calm in a situation that was being purposefully escalated, but ima need to throw a flag on the play for them needing to sleep on it before calling the po po. while i’m glad elevator crandall is now out of a job, but his ass needs to get as few passes for playing slave-catcher 2018

why’s it always gotta be about race? those damned race-baiters always race hustling and playing the race card. (did i miss any?)

so lemme get this straight. i walk in your house and kill you, then get to go/stay home and sleep that night and turn myself in a few days later just to go back home again.

i almost turned on the games just to see what was gonna happen during the anthem. glad i didn’t. them negroes back on the plantation.

$5 says at least one person advocating that she lose her job voted for “grab ‘em by the pussy”

they’re just mad because they can’t tell nigger jokes in the break room with one of us in their presence without having to visit HR for a ceremonial slap on the wrist.

my whole take on this “we got him this time” tour is that we’re expending a lot of energy to give the passive racists an out when it comes to how/why they could support someone who was so obviously and unabashedly all of the worst things that people called him. you couldn’t listen to him talk about anybody who wasn’t