awesomeaustinv @

Do these count?

Screw the mammoths, we need to un-extinct the ancient dog/wolf/thing!

No! You were my favorite writer. The first Takeout article I remember reading was an article you wrote about Subway where I shared my story of the time I got a sub there that contained no meat, only cartilage. I liked your writing, and that’s why I started reading this site. Good luck with whatever you end up doing

Ugh. I was (or thought I was) gluten intolerant for many years. It sucked. Why did so many people think I was allergic to potatoes? Why was everything so freaking expensive? It’s not like it was made of diamond! And of course, as soon as I discovered that I’m not gluten intolerant anymore (or perhaps never was),

The holy grail of automotive bad ideas, the rear-engine front wheel drive layout, was used in at least one serious attempt to make a good race car. It was a classic Mini Cooper with a Buick 215 V8 mounted in the back. They wanted to do the classic trick of sticking a powerful American V8 in a lightweight,

I’m hoping they’ll just re-release it with different enough bodywork to not cause problems, and then everything will be fine and dandy.

I was factoring in the fact that you have to add the emissions from the factory to the emissions the car produces every 20 years. That way, for every 20 years more that you use the car, that’s 20 years without the big initial emissions dump from the factory that would’ve come with buying a new car. Not to mention that

Am I the only one who’s actually liking this thing so far? Sure, 360 horsepower isn’t as much as the CTS-V or ATS-V had, but 360 still ain’t bad. With 360, it could still be plenty fun to drive. It could possibly even be a competitor to the Kia Stinger. And, I’m sorry, but the CTS-V and ATS-V were just ugly. The

One of the nice things about being a classic car enthusiast is that if you continue driving a car long after it’s over 20 years old, it’s actually better for the environment than if you were to buy a brand-new, more efficient car, since making new cars produces a lot of emissions. I just hope that gasoline (or at


Wow. I always thought of Tesla as being rather conservative with their styling aside from not having grilles. Not anymore. I actually hope the production truck really looks like that, because I want to see more weird and interesting cars on the road, and it doesn’t get much weirder than this. Although... How the heck

You can get really good condition Mercury Cougars for within that price range, just sayin’. They’re fast and muscular (well, by ‘60s standards anyway), they can smoke tires, they were more luxurious and comfortable than the Mustangs they were based on, they’ve got style to spare as well as flashiness, old American V8s

Well of course if it’s the canned stuff! Growing up, we only ever ate the cranberry sauce that was more like applesauce made with cranberries, because that stuff’s actually good. So good, in fact, that we often tend to eat it by itself rather than use it alone. Also, green bean casserole is delicious, fight me.

Not even just compared to those other SUVs. I think this thing genuinely looks good. I didn’t think that was possible anymore, but Aston Martin did it. Even by car styling standards, that’s a good looking vehicle. This has got to be the prettiest modern SUV I’ve ever seen!

The heck? I actually like Mustang IIs, but that price is insane! And it doesn’t even have a v8! The fun of these is that they’re interesting and have some potential for fun for cheap. At over 18 grand, that thing is most certainly not cheap. At least not cheap enough for Mustang II levels of fun. Crack pipe.

For some reason, I actually like Mustang IIs. They look better in person. I saw the one from Guardians of The Galaxy at the Petersen, and I thought it looked epic in that wonderfully ridiculous ‘70s way. Everyone probably has a car that they want even though it’s not great and there’s not really any good or rational re

I had to read that in Mr. Regular’s voice. It felt right.

The state of California is known by the state of California to be a substance that is known by the state of California to contain substances that are known by the state of California to cause cancer, which is also known by the state of California to cause cancer. This comment, too, is known by the state of California

I can’t decide whether that’s the coolest or dorkiest thing I’ve ever seen. It may even be both...

You... You just got paid to write that. They paid you to write chowder-like slurries of waste”. You have the best job...