awesomeaustinv @

Pfft. Those things are overrated. They’re nice, sure, but if you like the car enough, a lack of those things shouldn’t be a deal breaker. I drive a classic car with a pathetic heater and no air conditioning. The solution? Wear a coat and gloves when you drive in the winter and roll the windows down in the summer. The

Also, as someone who basically dailies a classic car, I can say that even if they’re not in perfect condition, they do get more reliable the more you drive them. (keeping them well-maintained doesn’t hurt, either) Mine’s not a Volkswagen, but from what I’ve heard, I don’t think they would be that different. Probably

Now THAT is what I call a fantastic answer!

Well, certainly not my current car (‘66 T-bird), that’s for sure. If I could guarantee that it would start quickly, I’d consider it, but I’ve lived the “scary thing is approaching and WHY THE HECK WON’T MY CAR START NOW OF ALL TIMES!!??” situation before with this car (luckily, it started at the last second, just in

That price... Yikes. The sad part is it’s probably totally worth it.

Yep. Just take everything salvageable from the original and swap it over to a better one and take the cowl tag to show that those parts came from the real deal.

Well, you’re not wrong... lol.

there were 69,000 T-Birds built in ‘66 alone and many others were destroyed due to neglect or stupid accidents over the years.” Exactly. That’s why I hate it when another one gets destroyed. 69,000 may seem like a lot, but it’s still a limited number, and as with anything, that number gets smaller and smaller as more

Or a race car. You can’t be unhappy while driving a race car.

That is some serious sending of “it”. Yes sir, some serious “it” has been SENT. We need more “it” sending in life.

I mean, how else do you explain a floating golden orb in front of the passenger’s face? ;)

OOH, this is fun!

In my opinion, if you have a name like “Yngwie Malmsteen”, you have no right to be offended when everyone you meet butchers the pronunciation of your name.

Nah, this is just practice so he can strap closets to his Mercedes to convert it to an armoire’d car.

Lol. I remember a few months after I got mine, a family friend who was a mechanic went for a ride with me in it to see how well it ran. On one long, straight stretch of road, he said “Okay, now floor it.” So I did, and though the sound the engine made was nothing short of wonderful, there was barely any noticeable

I hate that movie. Never seen it, but as a ‘66 Thunderbird owner, I despise that movie for needlessly destroying one. Especially because the one I drive is a hardtop coupe, and the one they drove off a cliff was a hardtop coupe with the roof cut off.

Hmm. I want to hate it because it’s an electric classic car, which I generally feel is wrong. However, it seems to me that unlike the vast majority of electric classic cars, they actually put a heckuva lot of effort into doing this the way an electric car ought to be done. There is some seriously impressive

They should just sell the design to Karma or whatever. If they had been able to actually produce the things though, which vacuum car would you rather drive, the Dyson or this:

Who cares whether or not the technology existed to build it back then? The design is still centuries ahead of its time and pretty freaking impressive, not to mention beautiful and unique. Is there a way to get the files they used to print the pieces? I have a 3-D printer, and I imagine this would be a fun project.

Who cares whether or not the technology existed to build it back then? The design is still centuries ahead of its time and pretty freaking impressive, not to mention beautiful and unique. Is there a way to get the files they used to print the pieces? I have a 3-D printer, and I imagine this would be a fun project.