
Is that Britta?

E.Buzz Miller Lite Beer Floats.

The only way to top it is to get a group of us commenters together to film This Ain't The A.V. Club XXX: A Porn Parody.

We used to play this in marching band and some of us more familiar with it would shout "real savage like fuck" at that moment.

Real savage like.

I'm not mad at you or anything, I'm just disappointed.

(runs away like an awkward twelve-year-old with clammy hands while all the jocks and skaters make fun of me)


Yeah, man, I mean, fuck opinions, man.

Golly, @avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus it's just impossible to not have a crush on you.

You're exactly correct, in fact Ebert has to constantly re-mention that since he gets lobbed with so many "why did this deserve so many/few stars" accusations.

I'm a little surprised that SaD wrote in at all…..have they read Savage before?  Certainly then they must have a fair assessment of his stance on pornography in relationships.

Any numerical lettering not surrounded by the words "Police" or "Academy" immediately fall into the D-.

It has Charles Grodin, so, yes, it is.

Man I wish they'd stream Crime Story on Netflix.  I went through the first season of Miami Vice off the recommendations from this site, and reading about Mann's second television project just bums me for it to not show up.

Waits' version is the only version, forever and ever, amen.

It definitely was an improvement on the cloying demeanor of the first 3, but I always fucking hated BL's openings as, first, terrible attempts at cute-irony and, later, for its over-the-top pretension.  On the former, the song-selection just played as a knowing-wink to the audience, so inundated by that Beach Boys

This is why I wish there was some sort of rating system beyond stars/letters/Pitchfork's Dewey decimal system; some films are just bad in the mediocre sense (a "Who underwrote this film?" rating), others are the "bad-but-enjoyably-dumb," or "bad-but-great-because-it's-bad."  You can throw half of Arnold and Sly's

I was banking on her being upwards of that — hoping that I could comically profit from that ridiculous mountain lion scene from 24.  Oh well, I'll see you all in 2023, I guess!

My assumption as well; I figured she would be around 35 now, which made the discovery from @Merve2:disqus all the more heartbreaking (although, that she's only 3 years older than me validates the lust I carried for her during the first season of 24).