
Isn't a double feature with its 1980s remake.

Before all these films' time, but Robert Wise's The Haunting.  That's how you construct a motherfuckin psychological horror film

Related items for "Paraphernalia": "Sleepy head."

The best image of the entire inauguration is during the gala dinner, when Michelle Obama listens to Boehner, turns away, and rolls her eyes while her husband gives a conciliatory, bipartisan laugh.

YOUR DEAR LEADER Chairman 0B0zo probably bought her from China himself, while sending more jobs over there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's beachfront Orange County.  Let's go with tsunami.

Also, for the record, the address posted is fittingly one of the white trash hubs of the town.

My hometown.  I'm so embarrassed.

@avclub-17fc821acf8201df4d32d05fb05d0d4a:disqus Not for about ten years.  Anxiety and depression help.

Correction: WAS.  Correction #2: Writing student who took a shit ton of film classes.  Not like that's much better.

"Local Ant Makes Music, '80s"

Jolly Roger was written in kind of an obsolete vernacular.

There are few things in film lore worse than the modern-day filmmaker-cum-celebrity, a hallmark of Tarantino's rise to the top.  The moon-faced man is an egregious showboat, certainly, but at least he had some comprehension of how to achieve levity through his collaged homages.  He's been drifting, albeit pleasantly


Except the second half would be louder than the first and eventually start calling the first an enemy combatant.  But at least they'd come together to take pot shots at the Dixie Chicks.

The trick to ending gridlock is a bipartisan improv group in the House.

Can't beat that tuba on the "Belvedere" theme.  Can't

It also had Rick Moranis and an innocuous but solid score from Randy Newman, so I still don't think it was a total wash.

Scorsese should be blessed not just for his great filmography, but for being such an intrepid champion of the Powell/Pressburger/Cardiff ouvre.