
The origin of the cloning machine is vague. I think Dr. Venture Sr. created it, Dr. Venture the Younger slapped on the finishing touches… as someone stated before, it wort of makes sense that his only real achievement would be a product that's also a moral vacuum. Not sure what to make about Dean's DNA being messed

Random accents and pointless weird shit are funny when the Monty Pythpn guys do it, with others, not so much…

Hear, hear for P. T.!
Hrm… Philip Seymour Hoffman as a proto-Hubbard? I guess he wanted to get his money's worth off that boat they used in Pirate Radio. Can't wait to see him commanding his followers from the infamous "Sea Org."

T.C. Boyle is a genius of short fiction
I need to buy this book. Among some stuff of his not mentioned in the review, I recommend "Carnal Knowledge," a story story about a man's hilarious misadventures among a group of radical vegans (great to read during Thanksgiving, by the way, due to the starring role of a Turkey

I wish Robin Williams' career had aged more like Bill Murrays…
This isn't even supposed to be a kid's movie, though, right? It's ostensible target audience is the same middle-aged dudes who saw Wild Hogs, isn't it?

I think Dr. Z is Dr. Zin, an old Johnny Quest villain. I never watched the show much as a kid, but the character's appeared on The Venture Bros before, in the episode where Doc opens a shitty day camp.

Well, we also had a reference to Daphne and Velma tonight, despite the fact that they were already (sort of) featured on this show as the tweaked up 70s radical versions of themselves… unless Johnny caught an STD from her before she turned into a radical lesbian in the mold of Valerie Solanas… So apparently there's

Saddest ex-boy adventurer detail? The bright yellow outline of a "W" on Wonderboy's chest, visible only due to the surrounding dirt and grime on the rest of the costume, indicating that he had been stripped of his logo. That or the fact that he doesn't even own the rights to his own name.

Do not lizards also bleed?
Why is it automatically assumed that revealing the Vs scaly skin would make everyone hate them. If an alien race showed up just happening to look exactly like humans (and very attractive ones at that), I would just sort of assume that it was some sort of measure taken to make us humans feel

Scifi Tuesdays?
So does this mean that Lost will be a lead-in for "V"? (or vice-versa?) I hope it works out. I would hate to get invested in another "Lost"-night scifi series just for it to get cancelled. That happened once already with "Invasion." Not sure I could take another blow like that…

Why, Harpo, why?
What is the advantage of Oprah moving to her own network? I'm not sure that a majority of her biggest fans even get premium cable,,. I mean, I get that we're talking about someone who's not even comfortable sharing her magazine cover with other (lesser) human beings, but doesn't she really need to

I noticed the ghost on the hood, which was funny. But that added layer of detail you caught? Mind-blowingly great.

I see the larger point. However, I loved ORB for it's wonderful League of Extraordinary Gentleman-vibe. And I loved the Invisible Hand of Fate because, unlike apparently a lot of Venture fans, Billy Quizboy and Peter White are among my favorite characters on the show. Especially, White.

Poor Billy. First the Gorilla, now this… hopefully it was just an aggressive cuddle.

I attempted to make the same point as this thread earlier in the comments about the connections between The Tick and VB, but not nearly as elegantly or as well-inform(edly?). I'm so glad to see I'm not the only person who appreciates the connections between these two shows sensibilities.

You know, The Tick was another animated show about superheros/superscientists and supervillians that also had a great respect for continuity, which is pretty rare in cartoons. No one ever hit the reset button on events at the end of an episode on that show, no matter how absurd the consequences. So you get a moon with

Too much blush
t's weird to see Elizabeth Mitchell wearing makeup because she's wearing SO DAMN MUCH OF IT. (Same goes for Scott Wolf.) Seriously, your criticism of the set design should extend to the makeup artist as well. What gives?

This thread marks the first (and probably last) time Maxim has ever been referred to as a "periodical."

The antepenultimate item was "a shape-shifting nightshade"

Great Moments in The Monarch
Anyone else catch that The Monarch's stuffed cat had three white paws and was named "Mr. Mostly Mittens?"