Violet Crumbles

Well this comment certainly delivered on the pre-release hype

There are people in this thread who are carrying on like it's true even though the first reply was a Snopes link!

i'll have to check it out. I liked him on Comedy Bang Bang yesterday same as @avclub-817fde73cb35d91a2cb63520835563f9:disqus .

Rachel's 90s Britpop locker shrine is going to make for one of the all-time great shots in the history of TV cinematography. Beady Eye music, Blaine.

He is so likable and mature for a guy whose movies, in summary, seem tailor-made for the upper 40th percentile of Reddit posters functional as relatively normal human beings to get waaaaay too into.

You guys it's Monday and I'm a grown woman and I'm still sad that one of the Beastie Boys died.

I've never seen a full episode of this show but I have officially encountered enough promotional media from it to start thinking to myself that that Lena Dunham broad is actually kind of cute. I hate you, Internet.

Kid Cudi was born to play a charmingly douchey boyfriend.

Between this and Jeremy Sisto's Jesse Camp the White project I'm pretty sure that celebrity goofbuckets are deliberately dumping their embarrassing press releases on a day Sean's out of the office

If I may be a joyless Internet asshole for a second, it was probably a blessing in disguise that John Carter bombed. I read A Princess of Mars and I mean, I can see the appeal, but if Andrew Stanton was so into it that he thought it REALLY REALLY REALLY needed to be a zillion-dollar movie in 2012 I think that given

That is the kind of name you give a doll when you're a three-year-old or your daughter when you're Bob Geldof trying to keep it simple

Now that you guys are in the ironic appreciation theme week business I am really going to have to demand a Hoboclown Sisto Week at the AV Club

God yes, this is totally a case of technology just now catching up to the next level tackiness of Ray Manzarek's mind

If people are going to do TV shows loosely based on late-90s night talk show monologue jokes about them then I will accept a Thursday Night Comedy Night Done Right Massacre in exchange for Bill Clinton, P.I. (The P.I. Stands For Pussy Inspector)

I can't decide whether I think they should write him off or give him his own animated webseries

Oh, here comes that cannonball guy. He's cool.

What are the hot jams on North?

He was an only child survived by both his parents - if you're fucking around on the internet in an overly-hormonal state that's What Is This Eye Moisture material even if you never looked at an issue of Spin in your life

Hey speaking of songs titled "Express Yourself" throughout history - guess which baby Beastie Boy made out with Madonna during the Virgin Tour? That's right

The reverse of "C'monnnn" is the traditional Martian name "N'nnnomc" which is the exhortation I will use to encourage the death of Li'l Gary on the way back to his home planet