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Shrimp afterglow

Yeah absolutely. Looking at it from a detached perspective, he had a pretty workable narrative for public redemption (coming from an abusive household) if he was genuinely remorseful and interested in getting his shit together, but even if he could just fake it convincingly he wouldn't be catching nearly this much

VanDerWerff the Don did an article that compared The Good Wife to The Wire in its headline and people shit their pants and died over the idea that their moms might be watching a good show that they've overlooked, so I think there'd still be a ton of outraged Archer fan keyboard-mashing in the comments if this article

They should just buy the Louis Greene character from Jonathan Ames for like $40 and have him teaching Intro to Creative Writing

[Lady Gaga walks out.]

In Franco's version Walter Mitty's secret life mostly revolves around state park men's rooms

Mike Myers should revive his Walter Mitty remake and go ahead with it, so we can recreate the Snow White wars with middle-aged personally-miserable male comedians

I would like to point out that, taken separately, "Saoirse" and "Ronan" could also be the names of two dogs owned by white people

You guys are gonna make him sad Tumbl again

My mom asked me to explain the premise of this movie, which topped her previous high water mark of asking me what Cowboys and Aliens was about

#1 pet peeve about Elvis Costello's awards season podcast

The love you get is equal to the love you shit

Oh he's been full-on Clapton for a while now


(I realized just now that this was a Mitch Hedberg bite - sorry to Whomever)

Hey, I'm guessing that this was more of a case of just wanting to get this out somewhere than it was of caring what internet strangers have to say, but for whatever it's worth I'm very sorry for your loss. It is so hard to deal with a loved one's substance abuse problem, it's like a recurring terminal illness you can

As a grown-up sad middle-school adult contemporary fan, I have, in particular, ridiculously fond memories of the late-90s Your Love Is My Love era. It wasn't an eighth-grade dance without It's Not Right, But It's Okay (Remix) and it REALLY wasn't a VH1 Top 20 Countdown without My Love Is Your Love.

This is actually not meant to be a sassy bitchy comment, but I genuinely think Dujardin might not read English well enough to perform the entire show off of cue cards.

I'm gonna say that this isn't a totally crazy thing to complain about, because while Mary-Kate Olsen is totally ripe for broad parody, she is so completely not the kind of character who would be on the minds of the straight guys who determine what gets on the air at SNL - consider that it took Tina Fey's hosting gig