Violet Crumbles

This must happen, but only if we can get Moore and Liefeld to bury the hatchet and work together again

She looks like Carrie Brownstein crossed with Big Ethel. Which is something I kind of dig if not something I would ever ever ever tell anyone to their face

Yeah, it's completely cheesy and tacky to do spinoffs and sequels to something that was designed as a standalone story with a single creative team like this. Knopf isn't going to hire Jasper Fforde to do a prequel to The Remains of the Day or something.

I'm gonna say I'm like 75% sure I'd rather watch David Zucker's Chuck Norris of Lunar Newtsylvania than John Carter

We're reclaiming it

That is one of those books that I always see at the store and think about buying but never actually go for. Post a trip report!!

I was so embarrassingly drunk at that point that my clearest memory of the halftime show is basically "LMFAO….FUCKING AWESOME!!!!"

You cranks are gonna be changing your tune when it turns out she did it in protest of Community's underpromotion and subsequent hiatus

And their dad/grandpa is Berry Gordy

Don't play like Sisterhood of the Traveling Guns, with the same cast and everything, wouldn't be awesome.

That Ferris Bueller commercial was way less about Ferris Beuller, Reagan-era teen baller and way more about Matthew Broderick, faintly femmy middle-aged nebbish who seems kind of like he teaches a 200-level humanities course at a nearby liberal arts college

I'm sorry to gush like this but MIA is really, really cool. Her appearance in the video for this song is pretty much like coming off like a seriously bad bitch in a video made to be shown at your aunt's 50th birthday party at the local Polish banquet hall.

I like Madonna way too much but this is going to be a letdown unless it ends in a Gaga guest appearance or Kink.com-quality dance scene among the members of the Indy Gay Men's Chorus

Super Bowl commercial casting season must be Christmas in January for chubby white actors aged 36-45 capable of growing a neckbeard on short notice

I wanna give an e-pat on the back to the underpaid Flash animator who worked up these character designs because I immediately recognized Dong Lover during the one second of attention I paid to the teaser for this thing during last week's episode, and you can't assign all the credit to that to context clues.

Pretty sure Nicki and MIA were Madonna's second-choice sidekicks after an extremely sexy, culturally relevant, and youthful plot to recreate Janet/Justin with Justin Bieber (who would be the one whose nipple ring was dramatically exposed) was nixed by her legal team

It is beyond sick and embarrassing how much deep-seated brand loyalty I have to NBC as cultivated by shit like this on SNL, Conan, 30 Rock, etc. through the years. I mean it's not like I'm watching Harry's Law because of it but rationally I can see that I find this way too delightful.

Today in Sentences I Hate Myself For Not Only Understanding but Also Liking

I thought this was the most consistent episode of the whole series. Also I think it was maybe a lifestyle wakeup call when I got offended that they turned away the Talk Talk guy

I read that the first time and thought "okay, but for Young Violet Crumbles a trip to Kmart was a rare, depressing event while Claire's was a regular haunt and mandatory staple of Seventh Grade Half-Day Ballin' Out Of Control," and then I read it again and realized that it was a perfect analogy