Violet Crumbles

The Office is the only scripted show on NBC that boasts a character any of the Kardashiafficionados I work with can name. That shit is going to be running a decade after we're all dead.

So often I feel like canonical examples of comedians spitting REAL-ASS SHIT are just like dorm room sociological analysis coming out of the mouth of an unusually funny guy (and it is always a guy) with the disposition to weather a million terrible open mics and minor gigs packed with awful people in pursuit of his

Do I smell a Zooey Wowee tribute rhetorical maneuver?

I like to read the phrase "supposed ex-girlfriend" less as "this woman who claims to have been Drake's girlfriend" and more as "this woman who this chunky-knit-cardigan-wearing Degrassi-ass goobasaurus rex claims to have dated"


That's Paul Feig, who looks more like Smith College's Director of Residential Life

On one hand I agree and on the other hand the social media movement for a stadium Clash reunion featuring Adam Lambert starts here

I think it's not so much a barrier-breaking thing for FAT actresses as it is for fat ACTRESSES, you know what I mean? Like a woman got the chance to do the same kind of scene-stealing, kinda gross, kinda crass schtick as Chris Farley or someone without it being treated as uncomfortable or sad - the tragedy of an

From The Internet That Brought You 'The Big Bang Theory Is Basically Like A Minstrel Show'

I always want him to do well in movies because he is clearly putting effort into having an interesting film career and not pulling Adam Sandler shit, except for the time when he did an Adam Sandler movie. But yeesh

Get her to post here

Same here, although I don't know if a poll of people who argue about sitcoms on the internet is gonna turn up sufficient evidence to say that the routine has not been relegated to the realm of comedy geekdom

I think a podcast would be so unfiltered that it'd be hard to listen to, both in the sense that you'd be unable to ignore that listening to it was enabling behavior and in the sense that it'd probably be like a bad episode of Doug Loves Movies with way evil-er drugs. But I consider it a personal slap in the face from

You really need to get Courtney to head up the Divas division of your weirdass pro wrestling league venture

Please reproduce in full the entry for "fucking" that appears in the brahsaurus you used to complete this comment

I mean, whatever theory I have is not much more complicated than "nerds gonna nerd." This is a phenomenon that covers everything from hyping up better-than-average sitcoms as white-hot super-smart works of art to never shutting the fuck up about your favorite deservedly-lauded cable drama; it's impossible to create

Please, they're both mutton status

That's exactly what I was thinking. I imagine it running for the better part of the decade, kind of sucking, and freeing Sheen up for another Underworld movie or Tony Blair Vampire Killer & Caplan for a thankless role as Jonah Hill Love Interest only occasionally

Every tv show that is regularly watched by people who listen to comedy podcasts is way overrated, it's unavoidable

I hope this is just a trojan newswire item written entirely so that we would take #FloatThisBoat home from the Island of Misfit Memes and give it a second life