Violet Crumbles

Fingers crossed for Alan Arkin to drop dead and make way for Shia LeBeouf already!!

An Adam Sandler film set is like a paid spa retreat, he is positively aglow

I think that's Martin Prince writing alt-weekly music reviews under an assumed name. Are the KoL critical darlings, though? From my Spin-reading days I remember them being kind of mediocre also-rans of the Rock Is Back boy-band scene that newsstand music magazine assistant editors could never really make happen.

I know you think this is all fun and games but legally this qualifies as Marc Maron/Michael Ian Black slash fic. You will never get another job that requires a pre-employment background check.

You're soliciting AV Club reader questions to send to Michael Ian Black? Is this like when Maury tried to cure that woman of her cotton ball phobia by bringing out the guy who was covered in them?

such as "do I want to look like Bryan Cranston or Rip Torn?"

For full Straight-Talking No-Bullshit Tough Guy Discussing Pop Charts On The Internet effect you have to use "daddy"

Oh my god, now this I am about to go Internet Nerd Bugfuck over. That's the single worst thing I've ever seen in my life. Mainstream comics employ more people with absolutely no taste at all than the pageant circuit, the Bravo network, and every ren faire on earth combined.

I'm not tearing my hair out over this or anything and it is kind of funny to imagine the puffs of steam coming out of Alan Moore's ears, but I do think it's pretty, I wish I had a better word for this, tacky? But Darwyn Cooke and Amanda Conner really are the cat's pjs.

I used to always skip the opening but at some point I developed Stockholm syndrome

While out shopping the other day I heard "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" for the first time in, this is a pretty generous estimate even though I actually owned their first album, maybe seven years and it sounded REAL GOOD

Anyone who listened to that WTF interview should know that young girls are far from the only native habitat of childish bitchiness in the wild

Adam Sandler gives so few fucks that even for a Letterman appearance or something, not only does he show up in sweatpants and a grey t-shirt, he shows up in sweatpants and a grey t-shirt that are two sizes too big for him. He's Gloppy the Fabric Monster

They've published board games with way more interesting gameplay dynamics in the two-page spread in the middle of Junior Scholastic magazine, but I mean, it is for little-ass kids. If you're bored by it it's time to graduate to Cootie or even Clue Jr.

The only unforgivable sin is fucking around with your appearance when you have already achieved the lofty goal of being deemed fuckable by some guy on the internet

oh man, this must have been reprinted at some point because I remember both those lines way too well

43 Reasonable Discussions

"Ian Abercrombie" is a great name but it almost sounds like it belongs to a rat-tailed kid from southern Illinois in a world where Benedict Cumberbatches exist

Oh my god I spent my entire life up to this moment thinking "fruited cake" was a thing. A cookie is just a cookie, but a Fig Newton is fruited cake.