Violet Crumbles

Yeah, I hate myself for arguing this much about a record I am never going to listen to but what gets me is how much this review reads like a 7/10 eighth grade standardized test essay response to the question "What's with that whole Lana del Rey thing?" Solid job, points for the required mentions of "authenticity,"

There's like half a sentence in this review about what this music sounds like

I seriously love how nuts the Oscar bloggers all are. they have been way more interesting than the awards themselves ever since I started paying (too much) attention to either of em

Jerkin off to indie babes
Atoning by withholding raves
Video games

I semi-secretly love corny middlebrow Oscar bait shit and this was an awful year for that kind of thing. But contrary to what's going on with ScoTo, I have grown to appreciate The Artist as a marble in a game of bullshit-ass Oscar CrossFire: I kind of hated it beyond its first 10? and last 5 minutes, but that dreamy

I have an embarrassing tolerance for Russell Brand and Chezza but as a nationalistic position I feel okay that I am disgusted by Wales and Gary Barlow unless the latter is an uncle of Lou's who is going to help me to conspire to take that fool to the Senior Prom

Whaaaat AD Cera was a chubby dork who looked like a baby 46-year-old! Cera '05 and Cera '12 look like cousins, maybe, but not the same guy.

I hope that if I click on your post history you turn out to be a Tipsy Uncle Wisecracks That Take A Weird Turn gimmick commenter

Did that get a MYOF entry? What a secret success

Weird that you chose to illustrate this with a still from Scream

It is kind of repulsive to read pop crit shitstorms over music that doesn't stick with you at all one way or another. It feels absurd to me that any ink has been spilled on her beyond Starbucks adding one of her songs to their in-store radio and people on Twitter boggling at her shitty SNL performance for a second

Zack de la Rocha was the cutest boy band frontman

Slate is secretly the 3dgiest of all because the trolls are actually on the payroll there. Tarkovsky's Former AD is basically Katie Roiphe after a bottle of wine.

From 9/17's episode, which in capsule form sounds like a nice way to look at every single episode of TRL ever aired:
Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit called and talked about what he feels like currently after the tragedy of last week. Carson also asked if there was new music from Limp Bizkit because he had thought he heard

I always said TRL fukkin sucked and I preferred GOOD MUSIC for SERIOUS MUSIC FANS like INSERT EXTREMELY DATED SPIN MAGAZINE COVER STORY SUBJECT FROM 2000 HERE, but looking at my viewing habits objectively, like just the pure numbers, I was a feverishly obsessive fan.

Yahoo! Answers

Somewhere on a pop culture website aimed at people who sometimes watch the Real Housewives they're reviewing the last week of Conan as an alien spectacle and the first comment is from some dude who didn't read the article like "Then I was like 'Abe Lincoln' and he was all like 'I own 12 They Might Be Giants albums and

Tim and Eric make me l-o-l but on whatever philosophical/critical level their looniest fans defend them I find them kind of loathsome

What a weirdass false opposition you have created here. Did I miss a critical hivemind moment where Portlandia was universally hailed as the anti-T&E? I imagine them having virtually the exact same fanbase.