
For me, Renbourn's Black Balloon was the gateway via Leo Kottke.

Any episode that explores Cartman's obvious mental illness is fun.


*glowering* "I threw it…away."

Me too.

Let's get 'im!

+1 for Tobias' scene from Exorcist III. That's the one I had in mind when I first read the title of the piece. I didn't remember how abrupt it was, just that it was so long and so tense. I'm not much for scary movies, but that one did it right.

So, you dunno?

That's good hooliganing!

A vote for Grover in all forms for me, although Kermit had some crossover points as well.

AV Club, will you raise my children for me?

Couldn't agree more. I thought to myself, "I bet this will be highly graded by AV Club" while I was watching.

Quien es mas Batman?

I should give it another shot. All I remember thinking at the end of the first viewing was how much money John Parr received for the "Man In Motion" royalties.

I like and enjoy Will Forte's work, but for some reason I can never remember his name. Him and Bill Hader will always be interchangeable to me for some reason.

Agreed. The writers ran out of ideas and Stiller just isn't interesting as a host. All the goodwill they built by trying new things went out the window.

I recently played Animals on my iPod immediately after my boss pissed me off. It was exactly what the doctor ordered.

Preach it!

Curse you, facts!!!

That would be Peter Dante, a Sandler disciple from way back. He played the lead in Grandma's Boy and is a terrifying harbinger of a shitty moviegoing experience, i.e., he was not in Billy Madison or Happy Gilmore.