
I'm with Becca - the Day-O scene in Beetlejuice is brilliant, but it's the "Jump in the Line" ending that makes me oh so happy.

I think the first 3 times I saw this (I was pretty young), I didn't realize the gimmick of all females in front of the camera. I just thought it was a goofy, catty, fun movie with a bunch of great actresses.

Thank you.

Surely you mean John Carter of Mars' Mark Strong. Which I happen to be watching right now. Kinda convoluted, but the cheezy fun I though it would be after reading the reviews.

I need to find that.

They did. That version is on Logo.

Raise the Red Lantern or get out.

Cheesy, man.

Were they brunching?

Is that where Bun Bun hid his?

Arkanoid! I could waste an hour on that game.

So many …

Welcome back! *hug*

So, a rude and impertinent question, and if it's hurtful, I'm sorry … but how many of your family members are truly supportive of you and how many want to keep you under their thumb, or quiet and under control?


Between poor judgment & avoidance of transparency, I actually suspect the latter, which is one of my bigger issues with her. But compared to her rival … good heavens, I'll be one of those annoying FOIA people after she gets elected.


What are you studying? And condolences on your aunt. *hug*

Having seen various selfies over at The Other T.I., AV commenters are ridiculously good looking, on average. I, of course, drag the average down, which is why I never post selfies … anywhere.

Have you considered modding a Utilikilt as a proof of concept? And modeling it and putting the pictures here?