
I've only read the Poirot stories by Christie, but I think you're right … Christie's characters are colourful, but they have no arc, while Lord Peter and his recurring characters definitely have some measure of emotional and material progress, even if their basic natures are largely immutable.

I am reading white cheddar popcorn - to wit, several novels in the Leverage universe. Finished two: The Zoo Job was better than The Bestseller Job (over-written, unsubtle, not much style, but good enough that nothing broken character in the book), but both were fun enough that I can hear the dialogue and see the

But does one of the toppings double as a floor wax?

Is that like the delicious quince paste you get with manchego cheese when you go out for tapas, but rolled up into little logs? If so, I can get behind quince logs.

Same here.

I'm feeling so much better than I did last week. Sleeping better, heart rate's back in a more normal range, feeling a lot less blah. The change in meds worked, and while I'm still at the apex of grass season (so allergic to grass … the non-toking kind), I can walk better and further outside. And, I'm walking more,

We really do, Miss Field!

Yay! And I feel ya! No time for AVC, let alone the TI, at work today.


Weren't two of his kids autistic? Because the supposed link (since debunked) between autism and the mercury-derived preservative in vaccines were a major vector for anti-vaxxers between the mid-90s and the mid-00s.

*whispers* Fit young men in Speedos …

I watched for a few seasons, but eventually tired of it.

This. There's a wonderful falafel stand in the Bay Area that got some much needed attention due to DD&D.

L.A., SF/Berkeley/Oakland & Seattle have a lot of Ethiopians and Ethiopian restaurants (some Eritrean ones, too).

I did the same thing long ago, only it was sushi and wasabi.

They used to have good herb-tossed skinny fries, but I haven't eaten there in about 5 years and I was disappointed the last time.

Not in Seattle.

Agent Carter versus Harry Lime?

I think I already deleted it on my Tivo, but I'll look up that scene on YouTube.

I think Bernie could have done more, to be sure, but I know he has endorsed at least two Congressional candidates: one primarying against DWS in FL, the other running here in Seattle.