
Looking them up right now … thanks!


No Blackish?

Grimm has started airing on TNT and Castle has taken over some of L&O's former real estate on that channel (weeknights before prime time). WGN America has Elementary and Person of Interest. ION-TV commits entire Sundays to Leverage marathons. And for whatever reason, my local Fox station airs Mike & Molly reruns.

Given the timelines of this show — while it's possible for pregnancy tests to detect pregnancy hormones less than a week after conception (and I think only a week has passed since the penultimate ep and Jane's wedding day), I suspect it was Rogelio's condom that broke - assuming they used condoms the last time they

So, the funniest, weirdest part for me was that the assassin who definitely had some sort of affect disorder was one of the Thermians from GalaxyQuest. The one who said, "And it exploded …", if I remember correctly.

I'm afraid to listen. I don't know which would be worse: that I'd hate it or that I'd love it.

That sounds like fun.

This show.

I missed the 7 Years Later part entirely. I wonder if my local news cut in early - now that I think about it, I almost never hear or see the end credits on Castle.

I can't regret watching it completely, but I could have easily stopped after Abbie gets rescued from the Other Purgatory mid-Season 3. That way, I'd have the set-up for my future fanfic of Mills and Crane playing strip chess and then Jenny & Joe got rid of Pandora and the Hidden One, and they all chased monsters and

After a night of dark, dark TV, I'm kinda reeling. I mean, I expected PoI dark and it blew past dark to inky black.

My apologies, I thought I read that they divorced at some point.

I'm guessing the film ends before the Lovings divorce?

No way, Taxi Cop happened. Then they split up and the taxi went to The Catch and the cop is Supergirl's sister.

Mickey's weird. On the one hand, he's about to fall out of copyright protection and into the public domain in less than 10 years. OTOH, the modern Mickey character (and variations thereof) has been given trademark status in the U.S., which not only goes on for as long as the mark is used in business, but under U.S.

If the aesthetic look and design is copyrightable and thus protected, then using that look for a new work makes the new thing a derivative work and thus with some ties to the original. Now, the derivative work may fall under fair use, or it may not, but the basic questions for these sorts of matters are 1) how much of

I wondered if Hyde alone would be a compelling enough Big Bad for a whole half-season. But Regina's dark half, too? That'll be interesting.

Oh, definitely! It was ridiculously charming and fun … and then, The Arc of Becket's Mom came …

Is that … Batman LAUGHING??