Now Dennis, I've heard that speed has something to do with it?
Now Dennis, I've heard that speed has something to do with it?
They're giving him a show, that's a start.
Song was written by Dan Harmon and Wade Randolph, it was absolutely not a legitimate song. I loved it.
Streets Ahead
Speaking of jokes that are funny alone but work even better when you get the reference:
Galactica & Pegasus
This may be the first time I have ever laughed at anything related to Requiem for a Dream. You've done great work today, Calrissian.
Goldbluming? Hehehe, I, uh… I-I, don't know what that means.
Lutz, Jerry, Toby and Leonard. NBC Thursday is the place for universally hated peripheral characters.
He don't need no stinking Badger.
PotC 9: Just That "Pirates" Porno with Johnny Depp Green-Screened In
When that explosion walk started my initial thought was that it was a rare moment of cliche for this show, but by the time the explosion filled the entire screen behind them I reconsidered. This is exactly as ridiculous as the biker from Raising Arizona, and exactly as appropriate and awesome. That final scene…
The next time you see me, I'm gonna be up on a stage with three guys who give a HOOT!
You Only Move Twice is close, but always and forever, Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming.
Something about Jeff's description of Britta to Michelle made me like her even more, they were such apt observations that they really made her character more real. I love that line that "she's seen the world but doesn't get it" or something like that.
When I saw the concept of this Q&A, my immediate thoughts were Garden State and American Beauty. Glad to see them covered.
There is only one absolute, and for some reason it is not "absolute zero".
Here's an idea: maybe in the next house I have, maybe you can all go out, and you can just throw together a collection of random stone blocks in the middle of nowhere, and I'll live there! You think you can handle THAT?!
It was the same song that played when Pam originally asked Jim what he was listening to, right? I remember on one of the DVDs the producers saying they only used music when it had some origin in the episode.
Yeah, I missed them too. They put Norm up on but "Andy staring into space" somehow didn't make the clip reel.
I feel your pain, SlyDante. Plus having to wait until 1 AM to watch Conan because the goddamn coverage was STILL going on. Canada's Ocean Playground has its drawbacks.