
It is? Well, that certainly explains…some things…

It is? Well, that certainly explains…some things…

She does look great. She talked to the press a bit about having had facial surgery after "Dead Man Walking", but now she just says "Oh I don't know, there's nothing like good genes. And don't smoke cigarettes, those will do it to you". Hey, she's already admitted to having had surgery, and she's right about good genes

She does look great. She talked to the press a bit about having had facial surgery after "Dead Man Walking", but now she just says "Oh I don't know, there's nothing like good genes. And don't smoke cigarettes, those will do it to you". Hey, she's already admitted to having had surgery, and she's right about good genes

In the eighties, the Phoenix NBC affiliate delayed airing "Late Night With David Letterman" by thirty minutes, so it could show "Laugh-In" repeats in the 11:30 slot. None of us were impressed, either by the show or by the decision to delay freakin' "Late Night".

In the eighties, the Phoenix NBC affiliate delayed airing "Late Night With David Letterman" by thirty minutes, so it could show "Laugh-In" repeats in the 11:30 slot. None of us were impressed, either by the show or by the decision to delay freakin' "Late Night".

Ver-r-ry eeenterestink. Also, very schtoopit.

Ver-r-ry eeenterestink. Also, very schtoopit.

That's the closest thing to a "bad" episode - I hated it

That's the closest thing to a "bad" episode - I hated it

I especially like that he decides to have grape juice instead, which is predictably awful

I especially like that he decides to have grape juice instead, which is predictably awful

"There's something about an empty chair…That feels so alone, when no-one's sitting there"

"There's something about an empty chair…That feels so alone, when no-one's sitting there"

And it's not buttercups, it's dandelions. Right? Isn't it? Buttercups suddenly seem more relevant, but it's dandelions. Right?

And it's not buttercups, it's dandelions. Right? Isn't it? Buttercups suddenly seem more relevant, but it's dandelions. Right?

Why has it taken you so long to ask?

Why has it taken you so long to ask?