the lies of minnelli

It isn't with hindsight. People knew she was terrible from the start, they just ignored Trump and what he was doing every step of the way.

When Jackie Chan said he was retiring from martial arts movies to focus on dramatic acting, it was a shame and, at first, very weird, but his return to the genre with this and Skiptrace make you realise he was right to step away. It isn't just that he's lost a step, it's that you can see the camera masking his

It really shouldn't be a surprise that a shit band has shit opinions.

I think I have some kind of malware on my MacBook. Every hour, it will seem like a new program is opening for a split second but nothing actually happens; the interface goes light grey but the name of the program doesn't change at the top. It's particularly annoying if I'm watching something full screen because the

"Google declined to give a list of the banned sites." Unbelievable. It's too fucking easy to please some people.

They're finally letting Star Wars' target audience have their say.

This sounds fascinating but at 90 minutes, perhaps too long. I forget the name of both the director and the films but when I was in Toronto, I went to a screening of several short documentaries of this type about Canada and the one that struck me the most was the one on the Canadian Tar Sands, namely a helicopter shot

Um, yeah, but that doesn't mean he had to write bad novels too.

If your knowledge of 80s Russia is Red Dawn and Ivan Drago then that might be almost true.

We're talking about Forrest Gump now, smart guy.

Took over from a corrupt actually Orwellian administration and codified everything they did. He did nothing about the people who tortured, expanded the surveillance network, changed being at war with al-Qaeda to supporting al-Qaeda in order to get to Bashar al-Assad while continuing to drop drones on Iraq,

What are you basing that on?

You should because it's an agonising Boomer generation love letter.

That's probably why it's so popular. Short and really makes you think, man.

There's a reason why it has a lot of supporters here, a website not exactly known for its literary community.

It's a very bad novel.

The first part of that has nothing to do with the second part.

The appendix made me wish he'd just written a series of essays instead of having paper thin characters fuck each other while talking about the basics of semiotics and power structures.

Did you not pay attention to Barack Obama for the past eight years?

This would be good news were the book readable but it's practically edutainment and all it's going to do is produce more people who will look at modern society, say something like 'this is really Orwellian" and consider that to be enough of a critique.