the lies of minnelli

All the comments I've seen about keeping politics out of entertainment - not just with Star Wars but with Ghostbusters, the NFL and whatever else has provoked a response like this - make me realise that pretty much nobody actually pays attention to anything anymore, if they ever did. 'Turn your brain off' is one of

Atlas Shrugged is one of the most fascinating reading experiences I've had but I couldn't recommend it to anybody. I can't imagine any of the advocates actually reading it all the way through.

The Goldfinch is one of the few books I can think of where each chapter felt like a managed decline. From the incredible opening in the museum, every part is slightly worse than the bit before it until it ends on that awful coda about the importance of art. Up until A Little Life - a book which is very similar to The

Believing there's any other form of capitalism is the bigger mistake.

This is the internet, where anyone who doesn't function to le epic logic, is considered a problem.

This is the internet, where anyone who doesn't function to le epic logic, is considered a problem.

Whiplash was a one note movie with a first draft screenplay that was tolerable entirely through JK Simmons' force of will and I'm tired of pop culture about the magic of pop culture instead of pop culture that is actually just magical, and yet we're so starved of musicals, especially of the Jacques Demy style, that

Worst scene: The ending of Arrival, including the most cringeworthy line of dialogue all year. "The best thing about this wasn't meeting them… it was meeting you."

I'm glad the ending of Hell or High Water is listed here. There's a few moments from that film that are on my list - Chris Pine kicking the shit out of the guy in the car; Ben Foster going to rob the bank on his own and coming out with money billowing everywhere - but that epilogue is perfect.


Nobody cared who I was until I pulled out Excalibur.

The distributors took one look at that original trailer and decided to give the project a mercy killing.

What debate? Gaff knows what he's dreaming and Roy Batty only leaves a few bruises even though we know Replicants are super strong - not to mention Deckard can hang from that girder by just his finger tips. It's also far more thematically interesting for him to be the Replicant that thinks he's human that uses that as

I remember hearing about Dau and assumed from the telling that it wasn't real and, finding out it is, somehow makes it even more unreal.

The only reason it's a trilogy is because Warner Bros. mandated it had to be in order to compete with the Star Wars prequels.

Born Slippy is such an emotional song anyway that hearing it in that trailer, even though I've only just seen the film and read the book, gave me such a nostalgia rush that I can't wait for it.

Was The Knight of Cups trailer this year? I remember it feeling like a shortened version of a Malick movie rather than a trailer for one.

John Q Public watches TV now.

If this is what you consider a relatively good economy then you are very easily pleased.