
Virtually nothing since I've all but dropped out of following any pop culture. Closest things to the title of this article for film - finally saw ET on Christmas Day 2015. The part where the government in NASA spacesuits move in on ET is the best rendition of how we might look terrifying to aliens in the same way they

I think one of the places T3 went wrong was that it crossed the line from just winking at the audience periodically to descending into moments of full blown farce. It made things a bit hard to take it all seriously as a result as it started to feel like it was a parody of a Terminator movie after a while.

I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here and say I find the first movie the superior film. I actually think the limited budget helped it (right down to having to sneak around and film that gas station ending in a hurry because no permits). The script and pacing is tight as a drum and it is relentless. Arnold's never

The Terminator series has been through quite a number of different hands in terms of comics licencing but there's some very good ones out there that do some very interesting things with the story. Particular to this, is the comic sequel/prequel to T2, Cybernetic Dawn and Nuclear Twilight.

If I got annoyed every time someone misspelled my last name (being that it's long and ethnic and comes in a number of variants other than my own), I'd have long since been dead from a rage stroke by now.

It gets even more interesting than that. Not every terminator had John Connor as a primary mission in the TV show (I mean, by all means if you see him, whack him), they were there for all sort of missions including making sure Skynet got built. Some had been in place for years or even longer and even built some rather

The trailer for Salvation featuring Nine Inch Nails is awesome, though and the positive approach Anton Yelchin took to playing Kyle Reese is so far removed from that other guy in the film that came afterwards it just infuriates me just thinking about it (as it was, Genisys was appalling but this especially so.)

I don't think it was that simple. It was already clear there were multiple factions with their own agendas and that went for the humans as well as the machines. There was competing rebel factions, human collaborators, the Skynet faction, the anti-Skynet faction and then you had John Henry, who I think had something

I think I'd get some slightly unusual reactions if my first name was Adam. You're going to have to explain this further for me, though as this reference, I do not understand it.

Some of my favourite dialogue of all time from that film.

Well, also the fact that I believe only about 20% is the figure I see quoted for the T-1000 being actual CGI while the rest was actually first class practical effects. I believe it's also why the original Jurassic Park holds up so well too?

What further impressed me is how well they used the T-1000 concept for a TV series of all things later on in the Sarah Connor Chronicles.

I believe it was the most expensive film production at the time (discounting inflation). Still couldn't manage to get a cup which had an actual full house on it, though. It clearly has two pair and some totally different fifth card. That guy was totally lying as a result, wasn't he? Now to what benefit, I wonder …

The Sarah Connor Chronicles basically had it that the time streams were so polluted that time travellers where coming back from numerous altered futures as given by their memories being different. I think they were basically moving towards showing that because of this, ultimately neither side could totally win the war

"There is the awkward "oh hey, they sent more Terminators" opening that invalidates Reese's speech, but ok, we need more movie…"

Since it's AV Club mega-popular if the number of comments are anything to go by …

The last 5 episodes of the second season of The Sarah Connor Chronicles were exceptional. Shame we didn't at least get a miniseries or even a one off movie to finish things off. I got the strong impression that the anti-Skynet machine faction thought their creation was going to destroy Skynet but it was clearly

"Her Sarah Conner character …"

"The reason being that the film has been banned for, well, for basically all the reasons you want to go see it."

Saw a photo of a cinema marquee which read: