
Looks like it's your time to shine again, doctor.

But there's a catch."

Also, keep in mind that at the cinema box office, BvS made over $95 million in China versus $0 for Deadpool. Take that out and Deadpool grossed more internationally if we compare all bar China totals for non-domestic revenue.

For what it's worth, I sent some money to Romania recently. Probably not to you, though.

I think I'm seeing a downside to Korean re-unification, here.

From the comments on this page:

Well, let's all be honest with ourselves, the mere fact we're here already means that battle was all but lost. I couldn't think of anything more worthy than The Adventures of Dr McNinja on the comic front, though a few other things come within shouting distance.

"Watch out, Netflix: Amazon Prime Video expands service into 200 countries"

"Could be China, could be Russia …"

Why are we not talking about the really amazing latest development in science instead of the impossibility of doing anything substantial about this?

You know, I think that King Canute gets a bad rap. It's most popularly thought that he was a crazy person that tried to command the tides to stop when in fact I believe he was actually trying to demonstrate that he may be king but there's limits to his power such that he had no control over elemental forces of nature.

If only they took as much diligence with the obituaries, firstly giving people enough time (which they don't, yet they find time for those ridiculous song and dance numbers and other wastes of time in something that is far too long - this however deserves whatever time to show proper respect) as well as not screwing

PS: "I monitor stuff"

Yes, on the subject of Oglaf … that is probably advisable (add a .com to the name for anyone interested plus several NSFWs …)

Well, we weren't going to watch your telecast anyway, so there!

So then, we really should have a webcomics thread: Sound off on some of your favourite webcomics recommendations (plus links) here. I'll start (public interest declaration, most of these people have gone on to become my friends and acquaintances, even if still just online.)

I figured if anything could bring back Power Girl from the Negative/Phantom Zone, even if temporary, it would be this.

As a doctor who did take some Krav Maga classes, I can totally relate. Especially to the part where Dr McNinja's parents were disappointed he did become a doctor as opposed to going into the family business. That had me in actual hysterics.

Glad to see webcomics getting a shout out here, not much of a comic reader at the moment (it's a time thing) but my favourite for this year is The Adventures of Dr McNinja, which after 12 years, is finally coming to an end (as evidenced by the arc "The End"). Saving up part 2 for a final read once it's complete. It

I was just in San Francisco last month (first time I'd ever been) and found out that neither of my two cousins had read 1984. Currently got one reading now, especially surprised the other hadn't as I used to borrow sci-fi and the like off him all the time.