
Literally the exact comment I was about to make. Like, I had it typed already, and had to erase it.

I always loved the way Snoop goes "Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me."

What albums are actually perfect? I think "Is This It" gets really close.

And there ain't ever even anyting good on!

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

This really is a beautiful song, and a highlight on a really great album. (The title track, "Chicago", "Decatur" & "John Wayne Gacy, Jr." are the other highlights.)

I like to bind-I like to BE bound!

Dem ghosts aren't the only white things men can "bust", if ya know what I mean! (Nudges people with elbow hard.)

"Well I don't believe anyone's one hundred percent a dick."

"Summer of 4 Ft. 2" is one I can definitely remember being a finale.

"O-okay. Fair point, Rick."

I'm not going to the festival sadly, but I am seeing John Mulaney soon, which I'm pretty psyched about.

You'll never know! HAHAHAHA!

Speaking of Netflix, You know what I watched recently on there and was surprised to see it held up much better than I thought it would (though it still may not have been that great)? Billy Madison. Watching it I also remembered my friends and I committing all of our favorite bits to memory. The two top examples being:

I haven't seen this one yet, but with the exception of the third and fourth episode, the word to describe this season has really been, "ZZZZZZZZZZZ." Someone put it best a couple of weeks ago when they said all the episodes feel like the writers wrote the first drafts of really great scripts, but the writing process

No, but one of his songs let you know that you can conserve water by filling swimming pools full of liquor.


She sings a song like, "Oh, I'm locked in a castle/ I can't fuck anythiiiing/ and nothing can fuck me." And some goblins hear that and go, "oh we'll see about that."

I hope the show can get Forest back into Review without sacrificing the significance of last season's finale. Also I hope for weekly A.V. Club reviews, while I'm hoping for things.

"We're gonna add a little something for daddy."