Here to Help

Not really. I don't base my self worth on internet upvotes. I base it on how many Oreos I can fit in my mouth at one time.

Ooops, sorry! Drag Race cocktails and all that.

You could say that. You could also say that Showgirls is an objectively good movie. However, both statements remain filthy lies.

I agree with the first paragraph, but I have to say Katya's runways have generally been great. Her nude illusion was one of the best in my opinion, her jetset outfit was amazing, and her Babe Lincoln last week was intelligent and beautiful. I was a bit disappointed in her tonight, although I loved the colour, it was

I read somewhere that Trixie has a huge trouser snake, so I don't really feel bad for her. She's already won the biggest lottery of them all.

I mean, technically she wore a blonde wig this week in the challenge.

I am not a drag queen, nor am I talented in any way. But I've developed my own Bjork Snatch Game character, complete with over pronunciations, ridiculously lengthy and detailed stories, and Icelandic pseudo jargon. Oh, and I've mentally prepared a costume (based on the Homogenic album cover, I feel like the Oscar

Completely agree. I feel like Untucked was becoming so predictable and unwatchable. They should have a scene where they smash that big pink box, like they did with the printer in Office Space.

Well, it hasn't been clear to EVERYONE, because I still like Pearl's aloof bitch persona. I really like Trixie, but I think a lot of viewers are mixing her boy persona and her girl persona, and expecting the judges to do the same. In reality, the judges only see the final product and so far Trixie hasn't really

Funny. I am definitely in a country that has been featured on there. One of them even wrote a book about it. But, hey, I also lived in Amsterdam. I've been around the block.

I just recently saw the first one on a plane. It really just seemed like a teenage girl's fantasy, which is fine. I mean, most super hero movies are just a teenage boy's fantasy. But like X-Men, at least the Hunger Games was sort of smart and empowering to a wider audience. And what's up with the train? It

I think if she had a real beard and offered apologies and 'vulnerability' on the runway "I don't know what happened! I'm so embarrassed WAH!" instad of defensive bitchiness she might have saved herself and Pearl would have been in the bottom 2. Which would have been unfortunate because I think Pearl was hilarious.

Well, I respectfully disagree. I'm even more obsessed with this show that I was for S5 or S6 (and I was pretty obsessed about those). For me after April was eliminated last season I lost confidence in Ru keeping interesting girls around. I think that theory was proven when she kept Darrienne over DeLa. I love

Yeah, I really liked that one too.

Detox turning around and showing her ass was amazing and hilarious. We needed an Alexis Meteo BAM pop up for that.

Holy crap, watching this show, uh, "in Colorado" must be amazing. I'm currently in a country where such a thing would result in me serving Clair Danes realness in Brokedown Palace.

I just imagined a queen admitting to not knowing who Cher is. Cut to the producer politely excusing herself to mumble something into her radio. Suddenly Ru followed by Pit Crew men. Ru points to the queen and says, "That one!" and the two large men lift the queen and carry her to the gate where she is tossed into

I read this as "both in showers together?" and scrolled down for an answer.

Well, Yara did. But mostly because she had no idea what was going on.

I think people tend to have a very revisionist memory of past seasons, tbh. We apply what we learned later about each person to earlier episodes. I think if we go back and re-read most comments from those seasons we'd see things like, "I don't get her" "I don't know what she's doing", etc. I remember distinctly