Here to Help

Wait wait wait….I just got the other level to Katya's runway this week. Abe Lincoln. Who was shot at a theatre. Shakespeare wrote plays….

I am in the process of watching Untucked right now, but I just want to say Trixie's flippant math was pretty impressive. "Kasha has auditioned 86 times. She's been applying since 1930!" While also a funny line, the math actually works out surprisingly well. A year or two off, but we'll give you points for not even

This off topic from RPDR, but very much on topic of beards. I have a beard and while I can't complain about everything being Raven Black, I have ONE white hair on my chin. I am not against white in any way, in fact I encourage it. I'm in my 30s and I would love a nice salt n pepper mosaic to transpire. But it's

I am not saying it's truth in any way, but my high school teacher told us that back in the 90s, D.R.A.G. being "DRessing As a Girl". So if anything, it's at least an old wivestale.

I don't ever remembering performances in the mini challenges counting, they've always been there to further a plot. And since the 'reward' is often a punishment (i.e. being team captain) that's fair enough.

I hear you. At least they learned from before and did a split screen with a standing shot so it wasn't such a blur.

I have to agree, her voice is really good. Actually, HIS voice is really good. Not being shady, as in "She has a great face for…", but she has a great voice for radio. And theater, I guess, but I'm more into radio.

Holy crap, when Ru loses her shit on the judging panel and then takes a deep breath and says, "Having said that…my children…"

Anyone else catch it when Jasmine was flapping her gums about the other girls and then says, "Whatshername, that colour girl…" Ginger (I think) almost falls off her chair but then realizes, "Oh, Violet". I did a double take, too. But then it all made sense.

I'll give you E1's runway being lackluster with the nude illusion, but last episode had some great looks. Max, Pearl, Katya, Trixie, Violet.

Without being well versed on past seasons those plays must have been Chinese to you.

There were several shots of Ru quietly loving Max. Though it is editing, I think clues like that go beyond this one episode. I think Max is now etched into Ru's mind, seeing how talented and supportive he was to Jayden. Not only didn't her positivity seem forced, it seemed to rally her whole team to be supportive.

I think this was the most decisive win since Sharon spat out blood in a bald cap (I don't count last season because Hurricane Bianca blew out the entire season). From start to finish, Max was ON POINT. I didn't get all the hoopla surrounding her online, but count me as a big new fan starting now.

Please. Dubya's supporters don't take the metro. Not with all those ethnics and gays.

Honestly? They've started a construction project right outside my bedroom window and they start up at 6am 7 days a week. My first thought to solve this problem was pure murder. Most mornings I half dream about sniping off the workers one by one and then fire bombing the whatever office made the decision to start

That look is much better, but let's be honest. It's still not amazing. She would have still been in the bottom and Katya would have still slayed the lip synch and she still would have sashayed away. I have a feeling no matter what Sasha was going home last night (or next week at the latest). Some girls are chosen

From what I've seen, she defender her against online bullies. I haven't seen her defend her drag or what she did on the show. And again, I'm going to sound like a broken record here, but Phi2 was much worse to Willam. Don't forget sabotaging Jiggly and trying to get Latrice to throw her act to get rid of Willam.

I just said this above, but I think people forget how mean Phi2 was to Willam. In my opinion, she was much more vile to her than to Sharon. But the point is, she is just an unpleasant and terrible human being. I can understand why people don't like Roxxxy, but I don't see how they're even remotely close. At least

What's with her and Kennedy? At least stand out in your own way before you start going after other girls. When she said Trixie was giving us the same drag all the time I wish Trixie would have responded, "So are you! Busted drag!"

I am completely drawing a blank on her name right now, but you know who I'm talking about. The one who had to translate for Yara at the reunion show. The modern Carmen Miranda. Ah! I can't think of her name. Anyway, she showed up in the workroom in season….one? two? To serve some drinks and then dance with the