Here to Help

I think people forget how incredibly vile Phi2 was to Willam. She went after Willam in the very first episode of Untucked, saying she was desperate and pathetic for wanting Ru's approval. She only really went after Sharon once she started winning and fighting back. Then on Willam's last episode Phi2 called her

Excuse me a moment, I have to go tell some kids to get off my lawn.

Is your spot as soft as that camera lens? They spent the whole budget that year on vasoline for the camera. To be fair, the budget was only $14.31.

Oh, I just need to clarify:

It all just flew by, didn't it? I found the final runway underwhelming because who really cares about nude allusion? I want FASHION. I want personality.

Upvoted for "DENTAL PLAN".

In university, I happened to have 2 roommates from Germany for a year. I used this quote many, many times.

About 7 years ago I was a teacher's aid in a 5th grade class while getting my degree. I was tasked with leading the 'book club', and one of the books along the way was Bridge to Terabithia. I was finishing up the book on the way to school one day during my very long subway commute and quickly turned into a

Again, no one is reading this but I wanted to also add the completely flippant attitude they give to confidentially on the show. Every time they visit a lawyer or doctor they demand to see records. Of course the lawyer/doctor will say it's confidential. Well, we'll just stick a detective at your desk to scare away

Obviously this is very old, but I found it by googling "Law and Order SVU writing is terrible".

It's obviously not hard science, but in Max Brook's Zombie Survival Guide I think he says that for some reason bugs and bacteria don't attack zombies in the same way that they do with other dead flesh, thus they decompose a lot slower. He does say that a zombie will "die" in something like 4 years due to the

I snorted! Still laughing. Brilliant!

Agree completely. This was talked about here last episode, but he seems really trusting and loyal to a guy who just offed his brother in cold blood a couple of days ago. They also sort of made it look like the Governor, Tank Dude and guy that got killed were the only "men" in this camp, but suddenly they have half

Agree. The Joker had very little redeeming qualities, but he forced moral ambiguity on the heroes. Plus Heath Ledger was so good at it that it was impossible not to like him, however horrible that made you feel. The Gov/Brian is just a boring run of the mill psychopath.

Everyone I know in real life loves this arc. One friend called last episode the best ever. I reminded him of the pilot. I don't remember his exact response because I had a whole bottle of whiskey in an effort to forget it.

I don't like how people are always against new designs, especially because within a week they forget about them and re-designs are necessary. But I agree here. It's just hard to navigate this site now. It's like "HERES 5 NEW THINGS AND FORGET ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE!" As someone who has this site blocked at work and

I play chess in real life. But to be fair I only do so when I need an easy metaphor for something that's going around me.

Good point about the straps. I still just don't see the difference between the sick people seeing a dead body being rolled out and a dead body with a small wound in the back it's head roll out. The whole point was that you don't want to bring despair onto the sick. Well, I mean, the person already died. If they

Amy was Angela's sister, right? She was bitten, so I'm all for the virus taking more time to affect a person that way. But in more cases than not, a person dying of other causes has reanimated pretty quickly in the past. Again, even it it's not ALL the cases, it's still not smart to bet that this particular corpse

I was actually rolling eyes a lot in this episode. Let's go over some things:
1) I realize that this is a show about zombies, which aren't real. But even in an impossibly fictional universe there has to be rules. Up until this point, dead people reanimated within, what, a minute or two. But now Hershel and Glenn