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Why can't the dinosaurs be characters? Really, would I have preferred taking 20 minutes of dinosaurs away for a love story or human character development? Absolutely not. What I want from the humans in this type of movie is to be not annoying while mildly entertaining. And also for some of them to get eaten by

Me too!

Hanks underrated? Isn't he considered one of the best American actors of all time? Not saying he doesn't deserve it, I've just sincerely never come upon anyone claiming otherwise.

I really liked it when I saw it in the theater upon release and again on home video shortly thereafter. But I just watched it again about a month ago and I have to say those kids bugged the hell out of me. It was just too much, both of them. Dakota Fanning and her precociousness gets grating real fast, and that boy

I watched this movie with my sister after her "friends" decided that she would be the target of their bitchiness that day and didn't show up to her birthday party (side note #1: teenaged girls are more immoral and evil than any movie monster. Becoming a teacher has only reinforced this truth for me). I was about 11

Scream is one of my favourite movies all time, never mind the slasher genre. However, as you alluded to, without Laurie there would be no Sidney. Having said that, Sidney wins hands down because she's much more of an ass kicker. She's kind of a Ripley/Laurie hybrid.

Well, in fairness, I'm pretty sure that line was around before Six Feet Under or even television. I remember my mom saying something similar to me as a kid when a family friend lost her child.

My thought on that was, why do you need to be pouring out all your precise gas over dry wood and dry grass? Just, like throw a match on that stuff. I know it's a small thing, but it takes me out of the reality of the situation. Resources have to be short, right?

I realize it's been a few days but we really need to address this silly idea of the social safety net.

@misterfilmgeek:disqus Are you a troll?  That post can't be serious.  It's not because I disagree with it.  It's just, with all due respect, one of the dumbest things I've ever read.  It really can't be serious, can it?

Oh! Oh! I'm was a poli-sci major!  Oh god Oh god!  My time has finally come after all these years.  Ok, calm down.  Breath.

No, because it's totally plausible that we wouldn't get the full story behind Gus' Chilean past.  It's only about one character and the point isn't exactly the specifics, it's the reputation of it.  The numbers affect many separate things in Lost, acting as an explanation and motivation in so many central themes of

I can honestly say no matter what happened in the finale of BB it would still be a fantastic show.  It could have all been a chemo-induced hallucination and it wouldn't have taken away from the awesomeness of most of it's episodes.  With Lost, while there were many good episodes, I felt like I endured things like the

Yeah!  Being dead the whole time and saying that they'll eventually be dead so none of it matters is completely different because….LOOK!  A smoke monster!  And a six toed statue!  And…a wizard/pseudo-jesus!

Then they should have spent more time on character development and less time on the plot.

Yeah, I keep hearing that from people and when I ask them to explain it to me it sounds a lot like The Emperor's New Clothes.

I completely agree, but I would also say don't make a show about mystery if you can't wrap up those mysteries.

@avclub-782066c88e9c574d6085f3ddfc7032e4:disqus I watched all of Lost.  It ranged from incredibly frustrating to entertaining to pretty cool.  But the whole point of the show was the 'mystery'.  They created these mysteries to hold our attention, implying that some sort of answer would come.  But it never did.  It was

Stereotypes are a real time saver.

It might be unfair to include what we know about Walt into Jr's thinking in that moment, but that goes both ways.  He doesn't know he hasn't hurt family.  He was just told that his dad is a major drug kingpin, has killed people and maybe Skylar told him about forcing her