Here to Help

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I think you've misrepresented Canada, or at least Canadian politics.  We may have idiot politicians (as with any democracy….er, country), but you cannot compare Harper/Conservatives with Bush/Republicans.  First, we have things like universal health care and gay marriage

Have to agree.  "We used to be!"  When?  When black people were segregated and women denied the vote?  When the Irish were denied jobs, the Japanese were forced into camps and the Chinese were used as slave labourers?  I'm not trying to be a 90s identity politics radical here.  He's a straight white male, and for his

Uh, ok.  I said that context is incredibly important, in fact that was the whole point to both my responses.  If the majority actually did believe the N word can used anytime by anyone then we wouldn't even be talking about this, Sharon wouldn't have been protested.  But whatever, you're offended so whatever anyone

@avclub-330e1ecc0a25a73f7a255cc57f8129b7:disqus They were random videos I saw over the years on the net.

@holydoubleidentity:disqus I suppose everyone has different definitions of certain words, because I've never thought satire had to be empowering.  It has to be witty, it has to be based in truth, it has to be biting.  But empowerment comes from the listener, so I can't see why we would hold the the speaker responsible

I somewhat agree, in that I do love RPDR but that the art is supposed to be counterculture as you state.  It's a fine line, but I have seen interviews with very out there queens who praise the show for at least bringing drag to the masses.  You know, see the show, go to the club and see what else is out there.

I didn't mean that they're trying to make her likable overeall, just enough to make us understand why she would even be in that position in the first place. Bush was…not great….but I could see why people would like him.  I mean, I think I still hate those things but I can see why some people would gel with it. I guess

Regarding the ending, I immediately thought maybe that there was a more cynical take on it, but in light of the Boston tragedy they reshot it to make it more thoughtful.  That seems incredibly unlikely though (not that it's ever a good time to be flippant about someone losing a limb, but it would have been terrible to

SO TRUE.  True story, just the other night I was playing pool with a friend and while I won the first game, he won the second.  Then some "all-star" with his own cue came in.  My friend beat him eventually.  As a sore loser, the guy said, "I liked you better when you didn't know what you were doing".  Which is an odd

It's interesting that your brought up Detox up here (I think).  Judging only from her videos with Willam, and by extension her association with Willam, I imagined her to be sort of a more in your face kind of witty and funny bitchy Willam.  But on the show she underwhelmed, though I still think she's talented and I

@MaxTremors:disqus You and anyone (including me) can say whatever we want about Roxxxy, but we shouldn't use such words as 'pigface'.  Call me a dirty hippie, but no matter what she or Phi Phi before her said, we shouldn't drop to their levels.  It's not about what kind of person they are, it's about the kind of

@avclub-ba9d567d1b2adf8bf01fbb3532d22282:disqus Word.  Though, to be fair, my whole life would benefit from Latrice being around to shut things the fuck down.  No lie, sometimes, just sometimes, I imagine Latrice by my side shutting the nonsense going around me DOWN.  You can't fake that sort of authority.  I've

I still hold that the wig UNDER THE OTHER WIG was one of the best things on Drag Race Herstery, but grouped with everything else it was too much.  Also in the minority believing her story was real and emotional, but again too much at one time.

What Alyssa could have been without the nastiness of Coco lurking around every comment.  We were deprived as an audience.  Le sigh.

That's…..that's a bad thing?

@Whatwhatque:disqus Coco may have looked like Janet Jackson, but that's as far as it went.  Janet would have never been so rude to the other guests, for example.  That's the point of drag, or Drag Race, at least from my perspective.  It's not about looking the part.  It's about BEING the part.  And it should be

I loved Alaska's look last night.  It was my favourite of the season, tied with Jinkx's Día de Muertos look and Ivy's stilts (STILTS! Entertain me while I clap!)  While I liked many of her other looks, I wish we would have seen more diversity from her, and watching her youtube stuff its there.  Watching Jinkx's

I have to agree.  Untucked used to be required viewing, but this season has been too predictable while focusing too much on go no where storylines.  How many tearful videos from home can we have?  Alyssa grew on me like melanoma, but the feud with Coco (ugh) dominated too much.  The smart/witty queens held back, there

I'm a sports fan, and I always hear this 'lucky' excuse from fans who's teams don't do well.  "Well, you're team was just lucky!  They got the bounces and caught our guys off guard and just happened to be at the right places at the right time!"  Well, yes, they were 'lucky' if you define luck as playing the game and

Phi Phi lost her shit on Willam in Untucked, saying she was a disgusting person.  That is the meanest thing I've seen on this show, and pretty much on any show I've watched.  Anyone who believes Roxxxy is anywhere near the level of nasty that Phi Phi was has very thick rose tinted glasses on.  I think it's easier to