Here to Help

I immediately saw Sharon's Pride Boat costume when Ru walked out (see my roast to that above).  I was just waiting for the hand snake (I give good hand snake!).  My head almost exploded when Michelle said she liked the green.  She clearly stated that she hated green last season and that became one of her

You mean the Rupal conclave.

Kind of me too.  I'm probably in the minority here, but I actually love Ivy.  I'm usually one who hates fishy queens that get by on no personality, but there's something about here that like.  I mean, it does take some personality to come out on stilts.  I might be thrusting my own desires on her, but the way she

Leslie Jordan, great seeing you here.  I'm sorry to have to be the one who tells you this, but this is not the early bird dinner special at the Sizzler.  YOU GOT ON THE WRONG BUS AT THE HOME!  YOU'RE NOT GOING TO SEE QUEEN!  YOU'RE GOING TO SEE QUEENSSSSSS! (points to ladies on stage).

I totally thought of Shangela when Coco described her character, and even more when she performed.  Not that it was exactly the same, or even a bad way to go, but it wasn't totally original in my book.  I think they're doing their best to spread out the wins this season, and setting up Alaska for a big finish.  I

1) That is very true about Alyssa.  I feel the same way.

I must be in the minority thinking that it was incredibly close.  I've watched it twice now, and I enjoyed both performers (what an awful song, but perfect for drag queens).  I started out loving Roxxxy, but she's lost some of that while Alyssa is finding a place in my heart these last few weeks.  I don't even think

Comedy is 80% delivery, and Coco nailed it (as did Jinkx and Alaska). Detox, and even Ivy, had good lines but they just didn't deliver them right.  You could have the funniest zingers, or the dullest diatrabes but it's all in how you pitch it.  Comedy is a sales pitch, everyone wants to be in on the joke.

I feel like that was a roundabout way of saying she shouldn't have gone first.  I think it hurts the 'nerve' portion of her criteria.  If she would have said, "I chose to go first because I don't think any of these queens are as funny as me and I want to set a precedent that they can't live up to." It would have been

I don't know if there's been a challenge where Alaska has deserved the win, though.  She's done well each week, but nothing outstanding, and her runway has really been a one way monkey.  She shortened her skirt this week, but the hair was still the same.  I never know what to expect from my favourite queens, but I

I have to say, it was sort of the point.  Ru' hoodrat cousin, as they put it.  That's why they complimented her earrings and wig.  So, if anything, she should be applauded for staying in character.  And I don't even like Coco.

Do you really think so?  I thought it was really close.  I called it before hand (in my head) that they would both be safe as long as the two of them brought it, and they did.  I thought it was electric on both sides.

@avclub-a79f8d92d5ec0c5f1434fca5ee0af8bf:disqus As a teacher I totally get that.  There are some kids I just don't like, though I wouldn't bully (but I do see terrible teachers/human beings at my job).  But would they do a similar story with Martin Prince because he's so 'handsome'?  It just goes to the whole

Sorry, I don't click on anything in a thread that includes the word "fisting".

No one's clicking on that link, dude.

I was pretty stunned too.  It seems to go against Tina Fey's stated feminism that the reason a female teacher would dislike a female student would be because she's 'pretty'.  I don't think you need to be a feminist to see how inane that is.

But unlike Phi Phi, Coco has some redeeming qualities.  She can paint her face without gluing her eyes shut, and her lip synchs have thus far proven that she should still be there.  Phi Phi should have been in the bottom more, and when she was there got saved by Willam's DQ.  If Phi Phi wasn't such a raging bitch she

I feel like RoLaskaTox is thinking too much about their 'legacy' and not enough about their place on the actual show (per your reference to the Heathers).  Ask Manila if she would rather be remembered for being a Heather or being the winner.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it (as I tend to do with all things related to Willam), but I loved that performance.  "You want me to cry?  Fine, here.  Oh, it's awkward and you don't know if you should call bullshit on me?  Here's some more 'tears'.  What's that?  I should just walk away because this is just making

Judging by past seasons, there's always been two 'friends' and one outsider/shit disturber in the top 3, so I don't really see Jinkx, Alaska and Roxxxy getting there together (possible since Jinkx and Roxxxy have some bad vibes I guess).  I see Alyssa getting up there.  She'll be the one to send Coco home for sure,