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I liked Roxxxy at first, but each week my opinion goes down.  Still love her runway and her as a boy though.  I'm not a huge Shanel fan, but while she was full of herself she was never as dismissive of the other girls (well, there was no untucked her season but it didn't seem that way even on All Stars).  I also had

The Party City version of Sharon Needles.  What was up with that skeleton glove?  Couldn't afford the pair?

BINGO!  I think in past seasons it's been so obvious, they want it to look like the winner grew and matured throughout the show (and thus giving some credit to the judges along the way).

I like Alaska but while she's had some flashes of greatness, she hasn't really rocked any challenge (a solid B+ in most of them, perhaps an A in Snatch Game, but that's on a curve compared to the rest).  Her runways have all been pretty similar, long tight off-kilter evening gowns that she wiggles to walk in.  The

@eric827:disqus They had to blur out Willam's ass when he set anchor on his pride boat on the runway.  I'm not sure why this was ok and that wasn't though.

No, it was totally for "drama".  How can the top two looks be pulled down so much to drop them below another team that got such lukewarm critiques.  Half the judges liked Samantha's while the others didn't, and half liked Daniel's and half didn't.  And nobody was crazy about either.  But we're supposed to believe two

Frankly, it's easy for her blame everyone else for always being in the bottom.  She could also look within herself and see she hasn't done anything so exceptional to pull her team to the top.  It's BS that Patricia pull that team down so much while one of the top two teams had a looks that the judges were so split on.

I'm with you.  This is the first episode of the season I actually enjoyed.  Still not classic Community, but streets ahead of the first three weeks.

Michelle seems like a cool person, but how can you take any judge seriously who tells you never to wear green because she doesn't like that colour?  And I'm not sure I've ever heard her critique anyone without it being about not bringing enough 'glamour'.  It's just so one note, her opinions lose all meaning.  She has

Noticed that too.  You can teach a girl to tease her hair and blend her make up, but you can't teach that 'je ne sais quoi' that makes a star.

Coco's little girl runway still gives me nightmares to this day.  It was sleazy Thai brothel realness, but not in a good way.

I laughed hard at your quick turnaround here.  Thanks!

Vivienne's reaction to being kicked off tells it all for many of these girls: "But I'm pretty?!?!?!"  I'm just shocked that I remember who she is, I totally forgot that she got eliminated last week.  I thought it happened two seasons ago.  On another show.

I have noticed that.  I have also noticed that often, in the background, the two seem to get along fine.  When Alyssa won Coco hugged her when she went back to the other girls.  Today, after Snatch Game was announced Coco immediately asked Alyssa who she was doing and they laughed together.  Not only is the whole

I said it last week, I have a whole Bjork routine planned.  Like you, I am considering becoming a drag queen just to make it on this show and perform it.  Seriously, girls, get it going.

That was ridiculously awesome.


I loved that read.  I also liked how Jinkx defended herself at judging without being rude or defensive.  Don't get me wrong, I like it when a queen can give it (Tammy's take down of Michelle was hilarious on AllStars) but it just speaks to Jinkx's personality how she carries herself.

I still like Detox, this episode didn't really make me feel negative about her like some others here.  What got to me here was her bomb of a performance in the Snatch Game.  I expected more from her and that disappointed me.  Still think she'll be top 3 along with Alaska and Jinkx, though they might throw a Phi Phi

Well, I think the challenge is to impersonate a female character, so Lady Bunny would fall into that category.  Jessica Wild did Ru in S2.