
Minnie Dean became something of a urban legend here in NZ after her execution; turning into a malign spirit hunting down naughty children. Modern scholarship has done a lot to rehabiliate her, or at least present the facts a lot clearer than the old stories. The whole baby farmer situation was an atrocity, sprung

Hey Ducky, let me stick the 7-inch in the computer.

So the AV Club did a thing on a website called The Girl In The Video the other day, and the toenail-painting lass from the Boys of Summer video was one of the interviewees.


I recently marathoned the first nine seasons of Spitting Image, it was much better than I remembered it being. You're quite right about the unevenness, but one can skip the weaker parts and focus on the highlights. Personally I thought the songs were a bit hit-and-miss, but when it DID hit they were superb. This

My favorite line of his, very English in its cynicism: "Never have I encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?"

Everyone thinks of Miranda Richardson as a prestige drama type, but she has a superb gift for comedy. She's in the greatest Ab Fab episode ever ("New Best Friend", S02E04) for one thing.

Funny how Raleigh mentions setting sail in 1552 - that was the year he was born!

Phillip Pope also was the piano dude during Whose Line Is It Anyway. He really is quite a genie-us.

Thank god there are no cougars in London, exempting the orange-skinned variety from Essex.

Couldn't help noticing Jack was talking on the phone while driving. Such wanton disregard for safety! That's 3 penalty points on your license and a hundred-quid fine, Mr Bauer! I could just imagine some PC Dimbleby pulling him over, all ello-ello-wots-this-then.

Sweet Lady Liberty!

I am thinking the airman who was originally framed for the drone strike is still locked in a room somewhere, forgotten in the chaos. "Guys? Guys, hello?"

When Erik "damnit'd", I half-expected to hear Jack rasp over the intercom "That's my word! You don't get to use my word!"

She actually looks happy, or at least not stressed, in that pic.

The Sisters are Goth, or Goth-Rock, depending on how you're feeling.

Basically listen to everything on the Wax Trax! label. It'll do you good.

"Land of Rape[seed] and Honey" is the motto of Tisdale, Saskatchewan. They thought it was amusing out of context.

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me