
Jolly good to see everyone in London cheerfully and calmly using the (still-operating) Tube and rail systems after a day-long terrorist assault. Spirit of the Blitz, indeed! There's a couple of craters in the landscape, a Royal Marine got clobbered on a street corner, and there are shootouts every fine minutes - but

Hai guize start ww3 kthanx #yolo #yousunkmybattleship #chinesetakeaways

SSN-type sharks aren't named for states, either; that's SSBNs. Somewhere Tom Clancy is looking down and frowning hard.

This is Kate, though. She's like a hot, blond Roadrunner.

I saw Josh Hartnett walking with the Queen.

Nice shot of Tower Bridge towards the end, it was exactly half-way through construction in 1891. And Mr Kidd's Chiricahua peers included Cochise and Geronimo.

Surprised at Sir Malcolm's choice of the broomhandle Mauser. The automatic quality is a boon, yes, but the high-velocity round would be an issue. As an old Africa hand like him would know, you need stopping power when dealing with a beast. A high-velocity round passes through the target and doesn't produce the

That's what I thought! It was a real X-Files, hey-let's-go-into-the-bad-place-with-a-torch moment. If these vamps are following the Stoker model, they're still active in the daytime, but at least there would be more light!

"We are all mortals, extravagant in our suffering…"

"But he was MY dead fisherman!"

Gee I am sure glad he mentioned he was Welsh, one never would have guessed, see?

I dislike the way Forth just reheats the joke, but we'll get to that in good time.

A big part of the joke with Queenie is that she's very much modeled on a Sloane Ranger, one of the bored rich kids who choked up London in the 80's. They venerated Lady Diana, acted like overgrown children, and spoke with affected accent.

We will never have it firm and fruity…

I'm one of the rare types who doesn't enjoy it either, shock-horror. It's a lot of yelling and thrusting which steals the scene, but I don't find the performance as flat-out awesome as some.

Nobody saw it coming. He was allowed to pick his costume himself, and when he appeared before the rest of the cast they were in hysterics just at his outfit. The scene is powered by Mayall's own innate energy; the reactions of the rest of the cast are pretty much just natural.

Confected? As in, made with angelica and piped cream? Because THAT's outrage I could stomach!

Probably the only modern depiction of von Lettow-Vorbeck and his amazing operations in East Africa.

I believe you're wrong but that's beside the point because WW1 is not only about the received cliches of "trench war". There was the entire Eastern front, the campaigns in Africa, Palestine and Mesopotamia and mobile actions in Italy and Serbia. There is so much more to the Great War than popular myth.

The Misfit Brigade