Hot Rod Herman

I knew when Rowland said he was 19 that he was dead.  15 talking the way he was has a naive charm, 19 has a You did a Man's crime, you're dying a man's death.  The cigarette clinched t.  Nice callback to the floorboards.

Sounds like you have some issues, Ace.

Sounds like you have some issues, Ace.

It was just a room down the hall, too. 

It was just a room down the hall, too. 

Her roots looked like shit.

Her roots looked like shit.

How can anyone, with a Magritte avatar even, despise Jessica? 

How can anyone, with a Magritte avatar even, despise Jessica? 

Who knows?  I do.  No Fucking Way.  Read the recounts of of how tight the security around the War Room group was when Bin Laden was killed.  I know it's just a show, but damn.

Who knows?  I do.  No Fucking Way.  Read the recounts of of how tight the security around the War Room group was when Bin Laden was killed.  I know it's just a show, but damn.

Marine Uniform, Dress Greens, and yeah, but they could have ordered one online somewhere, but I hear you, it was clearly made after his release, and specific enough for Guantanamo.

Marine Uniform, Dress Greens, and yeah, but they could have ordered one online somewhere, but I hear you, it was clearly made after his release, and specific enough for Guantanamo.

She is mentally imbalanced, from a family with a history of mental imbalance/illness, and she plays it beautifully.  The look on her face after she kneed the bad guy in the crotch and got away in the bazzarre last week pretty much defined the UP side of bi-polar thrill riding.  Claire Danes is really amazing.

She is mentally imbalanced, from a family with a history of mental imbalance/illness, and she plays it beautifully.  The look on her face after she kneed the bad guy in the crotch and got away in the bazzarre last week pretty much defined the UP side of bi-polar thrill riding.  Claire Danes is really amazing.

Yeah, and what carrier/provider plan does he use?  Damn!  his cell phone connected faster than the live feed. 

Yeah, and what carrier/provider plan does he use?  Damn!  his cell phone connected faster than the live feed. 

I am having a real hard time swallowing Brody being elected to Congress.  He was an enlisted Sergeant in the Marines, a sniper, okay fine, I can see him being trotted out to campaign rallies and other uses as a tool for the heads of government.  Except… being as this is a contemporary-ish drama sort of drawn from real

I am having a real hard time swallowing Brody being elected to Congress.  He was an enlisted Sergeant in the Marines, a sniper, okay fine, I can see him being trotted out to campaign rallies and other uses as a tool for the heads of government.  Except… being as this is a contemporary-ish drama sort of drawn from real

I'll give you the rainstick as being funny.  Not Whitney Makes A Vagina Joke funny, but I appreciated it.