Is the space pope reptilian

I was laughing through the rest of the episode purely for Iranian Homonym. I hope I didn't miss anything important after that…

I had no idea why Josh left, but that makes sense. I was sad to see him go, but at least the beautiful Cheyenne Jackson got to grace our screens several times.

@avclub-60b08acc1f3a4db4ff5f01c9fd828776:disqus The word monkey is incredibly funny. The side show "Monkey" from Dexter's Laboratory was hilarious to me just for the repeated "monkey" call.

You (and Dennis) have summed up a lot of my sentiments as well. You also made me tear up at work, dammit.

You brought the funky juice out from the bathroom? Big night!

On this day, we all peacock peacock!

Wesley Snipes?!

Real life is for March!

I'll miss his character too, but I agree with @avclub-8fb1f8047a4fa37269d3b66ea215ead5:disqus that Rayna was really getting rid of him as a distraction that was keeping her from figuring out what she wanted to do with her marriage. She spent the episode conflating two different types of change, and her unease with a

@avclub-9b01c25473020f57ea13af6b5f4f11a2:disqus & @avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus , the thing this show's structure most reminds me of is Tennessee William's "Summer and Smoke," where all the emotions (and sexual chemistry) simmer just below the surface for the whole play, and then reach a dramatic

Just because something is effective, doesn't mean it is good or right; so I find it really hard to take seriously the claim that because torture worked in one instance the film promotes it. That just seems like a strangely narrow way to look at art and/or politics.

Aww, I chuckled during that movie.

I'm right there with you, @Dikachu

Obviously that's the incontrovertible proof that Bigelow made an anti-torture movie; no one likes guys who say bro every other word, ergo all his actions are as terrible as he is.

Why do you think the film suggests it was kind of okay this time?

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus  , actually I was referring to Mark Strong's character, not Jason Clarke's (whom I don't remembering bemoaning the loss of the detainee program once he became a DC bureaucrat, but he might have and I still don't think it really affects my argument). I just don't think

I understand that point, but don't agree. I very much doubt any of those characters would have disagreed with the statement that their hands are more tied since they don't have the detainee program anymore. They all care about efficacy and for whatever reason think torture is the most efficacious (probably for many

Damn you, RSS feed! Before I clicked the link it merely said "Broken Social Scene comes out of musical Limbo" and I got all my hopes up thinking there would be a whole tour. A Toronto show does not help me in the least, but I'm happy they are doing something their fans can go to.

And I thought Max was enough reason to become part of that gay subculture, but this took it to the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs!

It's why he grew it!