Is the space pope reptilian

Hey, it's a celebration!

I was so happy to see the public radio spot again because the first one is so perfect with the Icelandic lesbian rock group.

I was so happy to see the public radio spot again because the first one is so perfect with the Icelandic lesbian rock group.

I think E.Buzz Miller is right, but I just pegged it as Swiss German when watching the show because I over think things.

I think E.Buzz Miller is right, but I just pegged it as Swiss German when watching the show because I over think things.

Pretty much everything about the movie was a wonderful surprise.

Pretty much everything about the movie was a wonderful surprise.

I really don't want this to happen and totally want this to happen. Why are you making me think some ends justify the means?

I really don't want this to happen and totally want this to happen. Why are you making me think some ends justify the means?

I feel the exact same way. I don't begrudge him his happiness or the way the media likes to hold him up as a perfect gay man, but it does really showcase how much more chill our society is with white affluent cis-gendered gay monogamy than with everyone one else in the LGBTQI (whatever our ridiculous acronym is now)

I feel the exact same way. I don't begrudge him his happiness or the way the media likes to hold him up as a perfect gay man, but it does really showcase how much more chill our society is with white affluent cis-gendered gay monogamy than with everyone one else in the LGBTQI (whatever our ridiculous acronym is now)

The nerds eating her sandwich is as good a reason as any to destroy the universe.

The nerds eating her sandwich is as good a reason as any to destroy the universe.

Which was so wonderful, but I also expected it to be Alec Baldwin as Tony Bennett so it was also a weird letdown too.

Which was so wonderful, but I also expected it to be Alec Baldwin as Tony Bennett so it was also a weird letdown too.

Turn in your bikini top; we no longer want to hit that.

Turn in your bikini top; we no longer want to hit that.

It's also great that while he's smart, reflection is so foreign to him he has to test to make sure he isn't dead, in the most disturbingly sexual way possible.

It's also great that while he's smart, reflection is so foreign to him he has to test to make sure he isn't dead, in the most disturbingly sexual way possible.

Which is incidentally also the title to my favourite gay porn.