Is the space pope reptilian

Which is incidentally also the title to my favourite gay porn.

That and the "I'm a princess" line were two of the funniest, most in-character humor bits the show has ever done.

That and the "I'm a princess" line were two of the funniest, most in-character humor bits the show has ever done.

I don't think it's fair to have me sign this marriage license because I'm a hologram.

I don't think it's fair to have me sign this marriage license because I'm a hologram.

E.Buzz Miller I disagree; it's just saying that there are still clear and obvious examples that it's a problem, so why would we stop talking about it?

E.Buzz Miller I disagree; it's just saying that there are still clear and obvious examples that it's a problem, so why would we stop talking about it?

It does not; I'm just saying that the call to stop talking about sexism is immature. Maybe in the years to come, but not at the moment.

It does not; I'm just saying that the call to stop talking about sexism is immature. Maybe in the years to come, but not at the moment.

Cliffy is right. We cannot because it keeps coming up. Just look at the comment above by Upgrayedd

Cliffy is right. We cannot because it keeps coming up. Just look at the comment above by Upgrayedd

This comment you just made is sexist; how you cannot see that is sad and a perfect example of how sexism intensifies what would otherwise be understandable disinterest or dislike of mediocrity

This comment you just made is sexist; how you cannot see that is sad and a perfect example of how sexism intensifies what would otherwise be understandable disinterest or dislike of mediocrity

I was born and raised in NC and I've heard skirt used maybe once or twice before and beard more, though like you I don't think all that many people knew about the concept before I left the state for college 8 years ago.

I was born and raised in NC and I've heard skirt used maybe once or twice before and beard more, though like you I don't think all that many people knew about the concept before I left the state for college 8 years ago.

and thank goodness

and thank goodness

That was easily my favourite scene.

That was easily my favourite scene.

From your keyboard to Ru's ears