

It does include pretty pictures.

@Marquis_Moon:disqus No, you're right.  I was embarrassed for the show when I first saw it and I'm pretty sure I groaned out loud.

To say "sir" in a terrible American accent?

@Marquis_Moon:disqus Yes, but Sherlock likes dopey visualizations.  Watch him pose whenever he stands on something tall.  He's a melodramatic goofball, and I fully believe he also feels the need to pose ridiculously for his mental processes.

I would like to state for the record that I do not find her repulsive.

I thought when it got down to it, it was refreshingly non-panicky.  John was focused on trying to protect his friend, and when Adler kept picking at their couple-ness, he just matter-of-factly said, simply exasperated at the tangent, "Look, if anyone cares, I'm not actually gay" and went back to trying to get Adler to

Agree to an extent, but, in addition to being frustrated, Sherlock was discombobulated.  Maybe more by the fact that she'd clearly anticipated him and was doing something unexpected, but, nonetheless, he got literally dumbstruck for a moment.

Only Sherlock gets to dismiss her as a nuisance!

I propose that people like Mycroft Holmes are the reason Britain is no longer a world power.

There's some, but also a lot of people saying to him, "Yes homo.  At least bise.  Youguysareweirdforeachothermo."

"Her weakness was that her pulse quickened despite herself, and for a moment, he allows himself to wish that he had that same weakness, too."

What?  That's terrible.  The ashtray theft is wonderful.  And they spent a fair bit of time setting it up as a punchline, too.

Oh, look at those cheekbones.  I could cut my hand slapping that face.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus To be fair, I would have been mocking the Geocities-esque site and earnest worship of a terrible father regardless.  Transcribing the stutter was really just about replicating the character's speech patterns (kind of like writing in all caps for Bobby Draper).

@Scrawler2:disqus Thanks; I'm grateful for the company on the way down.


I agree there's a lot of room for Sally to be more interesting.

Huh.  I haven't seen much of Moffat's other stuff, but I definitely see his Sherlock as a child.

It makes some sense.  Still has some big problems.