
If you think Burn vets in San Francisco are annoying, you should go to Burning Man itself. It's a really life-changing, eye-opening experience … into just how annoying people can get. And you're stuck in the desert with them.

Do people still use this word in the US?

The Beach had its work cut out in making a good film out of a popular, hyped book that reaches its peak of excitement too early (around the discovery of the weed fields and the gun-toting weedlords) and just fizzles out at the end.

Heh, yes, I did think of the AV Club when I made point b.

a) I'd rather people weren't engaged by distorted crap

Yeah, I always had goodwill for Boyle since Shallow Grave and Trainspotting, but he lost me with Slumdog.

Ruprecht, it's preferable that the masses read nothing rather than filling their heads with the foaming bigotainment of British tabloid "journalism".

I started reading the Laura Palmer diary as a teen but the lurid crappiness stopped me getting very far with it.

Night of the living Dad.

Kittens or rainbows - that's the tough choice.

The Rabbit of Caerbannog

"Why are you crying so?"
"I'm crying because all of those horrible villagers
chased me into this scary cave. I think it's because im so racist.
Get your hand off my tail, you'll make it dirty."

Anyway, at that moment, he felt a tiny little hand rest upon his tail.
And he turned around.
Who should that little hand belong to,
but the badly burnt Albanian boy from the day before.

In the marmalade forest! (forest)
Between the make beleive trees!
In a cottage cheese cottage?
Lives Albi, Albi, Albi, Albi
Albi, the racist dragon.

Timmy! You're so licky!

Prince Of My Balls. It's the archtypal sucky, past-it Carpenter movie.


Alex de la Iglesia
I met this guy once. I was off my tits on ecstacy and rum and coke in Seville, on the street, when my companions (locals) pointed out Alex de la Iglesia leaving a nearby restaurant. I remember him speaking to me, in English. I remember thinking, "aw, this is nice of him. I wonder why he's speaking

Yes, everything in this film happens for the sake of Wackiness (TM) and it's all essentially meaningless. It's not going to blow anyone's mind, but I found it a fairly entertaining watch all the same.

Avatar Vs Delgo: Requiem